Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding:
The student will understand the functioning of mechanical devices and the connected design problems.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: It will develop mechanical device projects starting from an overview to the level of detail. He will understand the advantages and difficulties of group technical activity. He will use a professional CAD design software.
Autonomy of judgment:
The student will deal independently with the study of mechanical devices.
Communication skills: will be able to write and discuss technical reports on project activities and will be able to present an mechanical system orally.
Machine Design, Manufacturing Technologies
Course unit content
Methodologies and interdisciplinary skills required in the different
stages of the technical product development and their application in practice.
Selected topics of advanced machine design.
Use of a professional CAD software for modeling and graphical representation
in mechanical engineering.
Methods for the graphical and technical reports of mechanical devices.
Full programme
The stages of the development process of a technical product. Typical activities of the design engineer in the manufacturing company. Methods to activate creativity and promote product innovation. Patents: Typical structure and objectives of intellectual protection. Review and integration of know-how and skills acquired during the undergraduate degree in the context of the design and development of real commercial products.
1. component representation using basic functions
2. component representation using advanced features
3. Assembly
4. Assembly and motion study
5. Surface modeling
6. Configurable model generation
7. Exploded views and construction drawings.
Reading material.
Software manuals
Teaching methods
Lectures and meetings at CAD/CAE lab.
Tutoring of project work by team of students.
Direct interaction with engineers form industry about product development issues.
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam is oral and involves the discussion of technical reports developed in groups and the individual presentation of a technical device.
In parallel there is an individual practical test of the use of CAD software.
Other information