cod. 1011708

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Sociologia generale (SPS/07)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
21 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

About the knowledge and understanding (Descriptor 1 = knowledge e understanding), at the end of the course the student he must have acquired the fundamental knowledge on the topics covered in the teaching.

About the knowledge and the ability to applied understanding (Descriptor 2 = applying knowledge and understanding), the student through an educational path based on method of the Socratic lesson / heuristic must have acquired that capacity for understanding and analysis of the issues addressed in class that the allow you to develop your own critical thinking on the issues dealt with in the lessons.

About the autonomy of judgment (Descriptor 3 = making judgments) students both during and in particular at the end of the course they must have acquired the ability to autonomously analyze the major arguments tackled in teaching in order to be able to relate to them in a critical way.

With respect to communication skills (Descriptor 4 = communication skills) through the methods of method of the heuristic / Socratic lesson the student will have to acquire a satisfactory property expressive both at a terminological and conceptual level aimed at exposing the themes dealt with in the teaching in an autonomous way.

About the ability to learn (Descriptor 5 = learning skills) students will have acquired those bibliographic and linguistic-lexical tools as well as concepts that will allow them to autonomously develop a critical reflection on the problems dealt with in the teaching. The student must also have acquired the ability to autonomously develop their own thoughts on teaching topics and express it in a documented way to the teacher and colleagues.



Course unit content

The sociology of food sustainability teaching aims to deal with some of the major issues related to the theme of food and food systems within the relationship between global and local dimensions. During the lessons, particular attention will be dedicated to food inequalities and to the issue of access to food from a glocal perspective.

Full programme

- The concept of sustainability;
- Goals 2, 3, 12 of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development;
- Food as a cultural product;
- Food as a set of meanings, symbols and values ​​of the territory;
- Food as a relational vehicle;
- Food as a system of relations between actors and territories;
- The glocal dimension;
- Food between local and global spatiality;
- Sustainability of the food system;
- Food as a resource of the territory: access, waste, gift;
- Territorial inequalities and food systems;
- Food safety and accessibility to food: right and capability
- Surplus and food waste
-The transcultural dimension of food.


N. Borrelli, A. Mela, Lo spazio del cibo. Un'analisi sociologica, Carocci, Roma, 2019.

C. Corposanto, V.S. De Francesco, Le relazioni alimentari. Sociologia e cibo: storia, cultura, significati, Rubbettino, Soveria-Mannelli (CZ), 2016.

Teaching methods

The teaching activities will be conducted through the method of the frontal lesson /presentation and the method of the lesson Heuristic/ Socratic; a sequential type of expositive teaching (with steps of knowledge) will be alternated with a hypothetical or heuristic teaching based on questions/ stimulus. This mode of teaching aims to promote in the students the autonomous research of meaning on the topics of the frontal lessons. With the use of the Simulation/Role playing and Cooperative Learning methods, we will try to involve the students actively in the construction of the lesson.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam with 5 open questions on the topics of the lessons, the reference books. Time for the exam 2 hours.

Other information
