Learning objectives
The course will introduce the student to the study of forms and contents in public and private documents from Middle Age and Early Modernity.
At the end of the course the student will be able to expose the lines of evolution of writing in Latin letters from the VIIth to the XVIIth century; to recognize and present recursive structures, forms and formulas in medieval and early modern documents; to recognize and present documentary typologies discussed in class, placing them adequately in space and time, with a special attention to public and private subjects which produced them; to transcribe texts from the records shown and discussed during the classes.
Basic Knowledge of Latin Language.
Course unit content
The course is split into two parts. In the first half, the student will acquire basic notions needed for the study of medieval and modern documents. In the second half, he will practice in recognizing, reading, transcribing, analyzing and discussing public and private documents.
Attendance at classes is warmly recommended. Students who cannot attend in person are invited to contact in advance the teacher.
Full programme
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All the students are required to study the following texts:
P. Cherubini, La scrittura latina: storia, forme, usi, Roma, Carocci, 2019
A. Pratesi, Genesi e forme del documento medievale, Roma, Jouvence (various editions)
P. Cammarosano, L’edizione dei documenti medievali. Una guida pratica. Nuova edizione aggiornata e ampliata, Trieste, CERM, 2021
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons. Throughout the classes the teacher will introduce and analyze written records.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination in Italian. Students must demonstrate to be able to read, analyze and comment on two written records chosen from those presented during the classes. They also must answer the teacher’s questions aimed at verifying their knowledge of general problems and research tools presented both in class and in the mandated textbooks.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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