Learning objectives
The course aims to contextualize the German literature in different periods.
The course aims to:
- consider authors, currents and works in their historical, political, and aesthetic position.
- familiarize with literary texts, appreciating linguistic specificity and structural complexity.
- extend the knowledge of the covered topics by the autonomous use of scientific bibliography.
- identify the salient features of literary texts in order to realise the variety of the concept of "German language".
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Course unit content
The Bildungsroman shows as peculiar form of novel a typical German literary manifestation. The course intends to investigate the historical transformation of the role of individuality within some of the most relevant examples of the genre through different cultural seasons. Based on the reading of selected works, the course aims to focus on the different ways of the construction of an identity within the perimeter of narrative fiction.
Full programme
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H. J. Chr. v. Grimmelshausen, Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus Teutsch
J. W. v. Goethe, Wilhelms Meisters Lehrjahre
Novalis, Heinrich von Ofterdingen
R. Walser, Jakob von Gunten
Chr. Kracht, Faserland
Teaching methods
Lectures will be based on texts provided by the lecturer. A plan to an autonomous closer examination of contents will be explained.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination in German with following skills assessment:
- knowledge of movements, authors and works dealt with in regard to their historical and cultural context;
- the ability to process the contents of the course, aiming the formulation of autonomous judgments that should increase the obtained information;
- ability to apply these skills to the analysis of literary texts with the contextualization in their original dimension;
- competence in German language corresponding to level C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
In the oral test will be adopted the following evaluation criteria:
- Evaluation insufficient, less than 18/30: lack of knowledge about basic content of the course, inability to articulate a proper Italian expression, to make independent judgments on issues and to recognize the specificity of literary texts, failure to reach the C2 level of the Common European Framework in oral proficiency in German.
- Sufficient assessment, from 18 to 23/30: demonstrated knowledge of the core content of the course, treating it in a proper Italian expression, ability to make independent judgments on the issues discussed recognizing the specificity of the literary text and to retrieve information that expand such content, reached level C2 of the Common European Framework in oral proficiency in German;
- good asessement, 24 to 27/30: fulfillment of the requirements listed above at a discrete level or good;
- High evaluation, between 28 and 30/30 with honors: fulfillment of the requirements listed above to an optimum level or excellent.
Other information
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