Learning objectives
Burns - Diagnosis and treatment.
Burns Nursing Care
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Course unit content
Burns - Diagnosis and treatment.
Burns Nursing Care.
Full programme
Describe the structure and the functions of the skin.
• Define shock.
• Differentiate between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
degree burns.
• Be able to determine the total body
surface area burned.
• Describe the systemic effects of a major
burn to include the inflammatory
response, sympathetic nervous system
response and the basal metabolic
• Describe the effects of a major burn on
the immune system, the kidneys, and the
respiratory system.
• Describe tests used to assess the
condition of the burn patient
• Describe treatment methods used for
this burn patient
• Nutritional requirements of a burn
Badon, Giusti et al., "Assistenza
infermieristica in area critica e in
emergenza". Casa Editrice Ambrosiana,
Rozzano (MI), 2022.
European Burns Association,
"European Practice Guidelines
for Burn Care", 2017.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Assessment methods and criteria
Multiple Choice Quiz
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
3- Good health and well being