cod. AZ1010833

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
"altre attività quali l'informatica, attività seminariali ecc."
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: Parma Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria
course unit

Learning objectives

Human nutrition is a very complex topic and its relevance in the medical field is widely recognized both on a preventive and clinical level. The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the major mechanisms capable of conditioning and influencing eating behavior and the bases of nutrition, in order to guide students towards processes of nutrition education and empowerment in the management of the main pathologies in which the nutrition plays an important caring role. The improvement of knowledge, through the in-depth study of the various aspects that characterize human nutrition, is an essential condition for taking care and indispensable for guiding professionals to a common language in this area.


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Course unit content

Encourage and facilitate the student to understand the importance of food and nutrition in the primary prevention process and in the care processes in order to protect and improve people's quality of life. The student must acquire skills on the various aspects that characterize human nutrition including the role of nutrients and the importance of their adequate balance based on the caloric-nutritional needs of the individual and of the community in health or disease conditions.

Full programme

- Nutritional education and factors influencing eating behaviour.
- Nutrient and their main functions.
- Main characteristics of foods and their subdivision into food groups.
- BMI and malnutrition by defect and by excess.
- Prevention of malnutrition in institutionalized people.
- Nutritional needs in different age groups (LARN, Guidelines).
- Proper nutrition in physiological conditions in different age groups and in the frail elderly.
- Nutrition in the main diseases.
- Obesity and nutritional medical intervention.
- Diabetes, nutritional medical intervention and the importance of the glycemic index and glycemic load.
- Renal failure and nutritional medical treatment.
- Cardiovascular diseases and nutritional medical treatment
- Dysphagia, nutritional medical intervention and hints of artificial nutrition.
- Criteria for preparing menus, methods of preparation, the importance of portioning,
meal distribution and food safety.
- The dietetic in hospital .
- Discussion of clinical cases


- Educare il paziente - un approccio pedagogico Jean Francois D'Ivernois - Remì Gagnayre - Mc Graw Hill

- Educazione Terapeutica - metodologia e applicazioni Annamaria Ferraresi - Roberto Gaiani - Monica Manfredini - Carocci Faber
In aula saranno comunicati i link di approfondimento degli argomenti trattati

SINU, LARN Livelli di Assunzione di Riferimento di Nutrienti ed energia per la popolazione italiana IV Revisione. SICS Editore 2014.

CREA (Centro di Ricerca Alimenti e nutrizione) - Linee Guida per una Sana Alimentazione - Revisione 2018 - Ministero della Salute

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

Final paper

Other information

Attendance is compulsory for 80% of the lessons.
More information will be provided about Elly at the beginning of the course.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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