cod. AZ1000437

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Microbiologia e microbiologia clinica (MED/07)
Scienze biomediche
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: Parma Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria
course unit

Integrated course unit module: PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY

Learning objectives

Microbiology course is part of the integrated course Pathophysiology and Microbiology.
The objectives of the course are to enable the acquisition of knowledge and understanding about the basics of microbiology (general characters of etiologic agents of infectious diseases, host-pathogen interactions and pathogenesis of infectious diseases, prophylaxis and therapy, drug resistance mechanisms, nosocomial infections), and provide the ability to apply the knowledge and understanding in occupational contexts in the approach to the patient with infectious diseases.
At the end of the course, the student, also exploiting the previously acquired knowledge concerning anatomy, biology and physiology, will need to demonstrate knowledge and understanding about the pathophysiological phenomena representing the basic events related to infectious diseases, the etiological agents of infectious diseases and their interactions with the host, the causes and consequences of nosocomial infections.
The student, applying the knowledge and understanding acquired, shall also be able, in collaboration with other professionals, to identify the problems related to infectious diseases and contribute to their prevention.


Basic knowledge of biology, anatomy, biochemistry and physiology are needed to address the topics of the course.

Course unit content

Morphological and structural characteristics of microorganisms and viruses and their replication.
Cultivation of microorganisms and viruses.
Normal microbial population of humans.
Microbial and viral pathogenicity.
Antimicrobial agents.
Main microorganisms and viruses causing diseases in humans.
Biological samples for laboratory diagnosis of virus and microorganism infections and pre-analytical phase.
Immunoprophylaxis. Anti-bacterial and anti-viral vaccinations.

Full programme

Introduction: microorganisms and viruses.
Bacteriology. General characters of bacteria. Host-microbe interactions. Normal microbial population of humans. Microbial pathogenicity. Main pathogenic bacteria. Antimicrobial agents.
Mycology. General characters of fungi. Classification of mycoses. Common human mycoses. Antifungal agents.
Parasitology. General characters of protozoa. Common human protozoa infecting tissues and blood, intestinal and urogenital tracts. Helminths (notes).
Virology. Morphological and structural characteristics of viruses. Viral replicative cycle. Virus cultivation. Common human viral diseases.
Biological samples for laboratory diagnosis of virus and microorganism infections and pre-analytical phase. Laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases - Detection and identification of the etiologic agent. Antibody detection. Methods for antibacterial and antifungal susceptibility testing.
Immunoprophylaxis. Anti-bacterial and anti-viral vaccinations.


Visual aids made available online.

Maria Pia Conte, Paola Mastromarino
Società editrice Esculapio

Per le Professioni Sanitarie e Odontoiatria (Terza Edizione)
Simona De Grazia, Donatella Ferraro, Giovanni Giammanco
Pearson Editore

(Quinta Edizione)
Eudes Lanciotti
Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

LE BASI DELLA MICROBIOLOGIA (con approfondimenti clinici)
Harvey R. A., Champe P. C., Fisher B. D.
Zanichelli Editore

A cura di Fabrizio Bruschi Edoardo Pozio (Quattordicesima edizione)
Zanichelli Editore

Teaching methods

Lectures accompanied by visual aids will be used to convey critical information on the topics relating to the course content. Lessons will be carried out with the help of slides elaborated by the teacher; lessons will be open to wide discussion with the participation of the students. Lessons will be carried out with the help of slides elaborated by the teacher. The course is realized with frontal lessons. In particular, the teacher takes lessons in the classroom with the support of Powerpoint slides; the latter will be loaded in the Elly portal of the course. The teacher is available for further explanations in office or by Teams after e-mail appointment, or via chat on Elly platform.In the event of a new health emergency, if it will be necessary to carry out the exams in distance mode, we will proceed by the Teams platform. For distance exam modes, please refer to the University guidelines at http://selma.unipr.it/.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of learning outcomes and the achievement of the objectives set by the course, initially will be based on a written examination in Microbiology, during which the student will be asked to answer ten questions, eight of which as multiple-choice tests (it will be sufficient to tick the correct option), and two "open" questions, i.e. without answer options, for which the student himself will have to provide the correct answer. The written examination will be considered passed in case of six correct answers, of which at least an answer to one of the two "open" questions. After passing the Microbiology exam, students will access the Physiopathology oral examination. The whole exam will be considered passed only if a positive evaluation of both tests (Microbiology and Physiopathology) is obtained, demonstrating in-depth knowledge and adequate understanding skills, as well as the potential ability to apply the knowledge acquired in the approach to the patient. The final grade will consider the evaluation of all the teachers who make up the Board of Examiners. In the event of a new health emergency, if it will be necessary to carry out the exams in distance mode, we will proceed by the Teams platform. For distance exam modes, please refer to the University guidelines at http://selma.unipr.it/.

Other information

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