Learning objectives
Burns - Diagnosis and treatment.
Burns Nursing Care
Course unit content
Burns - Diagnosis and treatment.
Burns Nursing Care.
Full programme
Describe the structure and the functions of the skin.
• Define shock.
• Differentiate between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree burns.
• Be able to determine the total body surface area burned.
• Describe the systemic effects of a major burn to include the inflammatory response, sympathetic nervous system response and the basal metabolic response.
• Describe the effects of a major burn on the immune system, the kidneys, and the respiratory system.
• Describe tests used to assess the condition of the burn patient
• Describe treatment methods used for this burn patient
• Nutritional requirements of a burn patient.
Badon, Giusti et al., "Assistenza infermieristica in area critica e in emergenza". Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Rozzano (MI), 2022.
European Burns Association,
"European Practice Guidelines
for Burn Care", 2017.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Assessment methods and criteria
Multiple Choice Quiz
Other information
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
3- Good health and well being