Learning objectives
By means of the frequency module of Occupational Medicine, the student will acquire the ability to apply knowledge about occupational risks in their employment context. Occupational Medicine aims to promote understanding by the health care professional of the possible consequences in terms of health effects of exposure to risk factors in the healthcare environment, including ionizing radiation and the principles of radiation protection. The student will have learned to know and use the personal protective equipment required in the context, as a preventive measure of biological risk. Will learn the reflections of the organization of work on health professionals. Will finally know the meaning of health surveillance and the implications in terms of personal and organizational judgment of suitability for specific tasks. He/she will learn the basics of radiation protection and medical physics.
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Course unit content
The module of occupational medicine aims to provide the basis for understanding the meaning of the concepts of hazard, risk and risk factor for health; aims to promote understanding by the health care professional of the possible consequences in terms of health effects of exposure to risk factors in the healthcare environment. The student will learn to know and use the personal protective equipment required in the context, as a preventive measure of biological risk. Will learn the reflections of the organization of work on health professionals. Will finally know the meaning of health surveillance and the implications in terms of personal and organizational judgment of suitability for specific tasks.
Full programme
1)Italian Legislation on workers' safety and health protection; the active role of workers in prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases. 2) Risk factors and working activity: hazard and risk; personal protective equipments; work illnesses and work-related diseases; hazards and risks in the Health care System. 3)Exposure to biological agents (bio-hazards)at workplace; exposure-prone procedures and the personal protective equipment. 4)Chemical risks: (i) drugs, cleaners, disinfectants; (ii) antineoplastic drugs; (iii) gaseous anesthetics. Allergies to chemicals and devices. 5)Ergonomics of health care work; manual material handling and manual patients handling. The organization as a possible health risk factor; work-related stress. 6) Occupational exposure to ionizing radiations; technical and medical prevention. 7)The health surveillance for health care professionals; preventive and periodical medical examination
Classrom lessons with A-V devices support and classroom discussion
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons with A-V devices support and classroom discussion
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment of the educational objectives of the integrated course is done through a written test on the contents of the courses of General Hygiene and Epidemiology, Occupational Medicine and Radiation Protection. The test consists of 49 multiple choice questions, each accompanied by 4 answers. There are no penalties for incorrect answers or no answer. Failure to answer is equivalent to an incorrect answer.
Regarding Nursing in health promotion and education and therapeutic education, the students will be divided into groups, each group will have to produce a Health Project project (power point presentation) which will consequently be presented orally.
The final mark of the integrated course will derive from the weighted average of the marks of the 3 courses, and that failing one of the three courses will necessarily entail having to take all three tests again.
Students with LSD/BSE must contact Le Eli-che in advance: support for students with disabilities, D.S.A., B.E.S. (https://sea.unipr.it/it/servizi/le-eli-che-supporto-studenti-con-disabilita)
Other information
Attendance is strongly recommended
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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