cod. 1010768

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - First semester
Stefania FUCCI
Academic discipline
Sociologia generale (SPS/07)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, students should have:
• knowledge and understanding of the concept of childhood and of the main evolutions of this concept in corrispondence with the evolution of family models;
• knowledge and understanding of children’s policies and services from a comparative and diachronic perspective;
• developed critical analysis skills with respect to strategies and policies in relation to the field of children’s services;
• developed communication skills in terms of knowing and using the appropriate terminology for defining and analyzing strategies and policies to support families and children, and measures and services put in place to implement these policies


Basic knowledge in sociology

Course unit content

The course intends to provide a conceptual framing of the concept of childhood and the evolution of the view of childhood in light of transformations in family models. Subsequently, trends in children’s policies will be presented from a comparative perspective at the European level and in Italy in order to analyse the different rationale behind the development and transformation of these policies. The intent is to provide students with keys to understanding the global framework in which these transformations have taken place, as well as the implications for work in services. In this regard, specific attention will be placed on the implications for work in services of different intervention rationales.

Full programme

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The teaching material, both for attending and non-attending students includes:
1. Sabatinelli, S., Politiche per crescere. La prima infanzia tra cura e investimento sociale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016;
2. Readings identified by the lecturer and uploaded on Elly platform.
Slides and reading materials (academic and non-academic papers) used during the lectures and uploaded on the Elly platform are also an integral part of the teaching material.
Students are warned against disseminating course materials (slides, articles) and notes associated with the lecturer’s name outside Unipr.

Teaching methods

The teaching activity will take place in presence and will be conducted:
• partly with lectures, in any case by promoting the exchanges with the students also through the discussion of concrete case studies. During the lectures, slides will be projected and materials for discussion will be distributed. All materials will be made available on the Elly platform, also used for communications and notices;
• partly through the organization of some seminars with professionals. This is in order to stimulate students’ interest in the subject and critical capacity

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam will be written and will focus on the teaching material. In particular, it will composed by 3 open-ended questions with no answer limits (time available: 90 minutes). The questions are open and general, and have the aim not only of assessing notional learning, but also the ability of critical processing, interconnection between different parts of the course and appropriateness of language.
The final evaluation will be the result of the average of the scores obtained by the student in the different questions, each of which will be scored between 0 and 10. Honours will be awarded to those who, having scored the highest marks in all questions, have demonstrated excellent critical processing skills and appropriateness of language.

Other information

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