After graduation

 Career guidance is a service that aims to guide graduating and graduate students towards the world of work, through various activities and initiatives.

Career guidance services

The Carrer guidance services is mainly carried out by degree course teaching staff and the Academic and career guidance division

  • The degree course, through the department's delegate, organises and publicises meetings with representatives of the world of work (e.g. professionals, public officials, entrepreneurs, etc.) in order to illustrate to students the characteristics of individual activities and the challenges that graduates will have to face at the end of their university education.
  • The  Academic and career guidance division organises a series of career guidance interventions to accompany those who are about to finish or have already finished a university course towards the world of work, favouring the improvement of soft skills and knowledge of professional profiles and related opportunities.

The main services offered to undergraduates and graduates are:

  • jobs notice board with all job offers posted by companies, bodies and organisations registered in various capacities on the AlmaLaurea portal
  • job opportunities, publishing opportunities for students, undergraduates and graduates;
  • Job day, an annual event aimed at fostering direct relations between companies and undergraduates or graduates of the University of Parma;
  • seminars and meetings on how to draw up a curriculum vitae and cover letter, how to successfully face a job interview (individual and group interview simulations), etc.;
  •  orientation internships (or placements) reserved for undergraduates within twelve months of graduation.

In addition, ER.GO. also provides various support services for recent graduates on its 'Job Orientation' page

Career Career guidance delegate

Delegate of the Course of Studies in Social Work: Prof. Chiara Scivoletto

Prof.ssa Chiara Scivoletto

Career advising/guidance meetings organised by the Department

The Department of Law, Politics and International Studies of the University of Parma organises meetings with professionals, magistrates, diplomats, public officials and representatives of the business world, in order to illustrate to students the characteristics of individual activities and the challenges that future legal practitioners will have to face in the liberal professions, public administration, business and international careers.

Meetings a.y. 2021/2022

Cycle of meetings 'Yesterday, today, tomorrow: from graduation to work. Advising/guidance meetings with experts who have embarked on relevant career paths'.

In the a.y. 2021/2022, six events were organised for undergraduates and students of the second-cycle degree course in Law, the degree course in Political Science and International Relations and the second-cycle degree course in International and European Relations, focusing on the professional experience of excellent experts linked to the city and the University.
This is the complete programme of events: 


  • Wednesday 29 September 2021 - How to write an effective CV in cooperation with the Academic and Career Guidance division
  • Wednesday 6 October 2021 - Michael Massari, Lawyer at ALLEX
  • Wednesday 13 October 2021- Dr Erika Ivalù Pampalone, Magistrate at the Court of Palermo
  • Wednesday 3 November 2021 - The Diplomatic Career: Dr. Paolo Guido Spinelli, former Italian Ambassador in Budapest; Dr. Valeria Romare, Deputy Head of Mission, Italian Embassy in Amman, Jordan (In collaboration with the Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI)).
  • Wednesday 10 November 2021 - Prof. Carlo Alberto Romano, Professor of Criminology, University of Brescia
  • Wednesday 24 November 2021 - Dr. Francesca Fanucci, Senior Legal Advisor, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law


A. A. 2024/25 

MASTER DI II LIVELLO in Salute Collettiva: teorie e pratica del community health approach

Il Master, realizzato in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Medicina e Chirurgia, intende favorire la formazione di figure professionali (operatori/operatrici sociali, socio sanitari, educativi già inseriti nel mondo del lavoro, del pubblico e del privato sociale, volontari\e impegnati in azioni sociali e studenti/studentesse interessate ad acquisire competenze culturali complesse circa la gestione di servizi ed azioni di cura) perchè acquisiscano modalità di analisi e di conduzione nei processi lavorativi che riguardano l’innovazione sociale in materia di community based services con un taglio marcatamente interdisciplinare. Al centro del master sono le competenze metodologiche inerenti welfare community based per istituire e facilitare processi di auto mutuo aiuto, forme di mediazione territoriale e gruppale dentro e fuori le istituzioni, partnership innovative tra istituzioni e terzo settore, modalità di conduzione delle equipe interprofessionale, forme e sistemi di ascolto dell’utenza, collaborazione con i\le cittadini\e e forme dell’outreach (esplorazione e mappatura dei contesti sociali di riferimento). In tal senso, l’obbiettivo è favorire la conoscenza di politiche e pratiche che in tutto il mondo cercano di mettere a sistema nuovi paradigmi di cura integrata, multidisciplinare, partecipata, con approccio comunitario che sostenga e rafforzi i sistemi pubblici e l’accesso ai diritti di cura grazie alla collaborazione con il terzo settore e con i cittadini\e.


1 anno

Chiusura iscrizione selezione


Inizio lezioni

25 febbraio 2025


Maggiori informazioni QUI


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Dott.ssa Francesca Nori
T. +39 0521 034581
Manager E.

President of the degree course

Prof.ssa Paola Torretta

Faculty advisor

Prof.ssa Vincenza Pellegrino

Carrer guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Chiara Scivoletto

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Stefania Fucci

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Susanna Palladini