cod. 00852

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - First semester
Giulia SELMI
Academic discipline
Sociologia generale (SPS/07)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the conclusion of the course, students are able to navigate the paradigms of social research, are familiar with the logics and tools of the main qualitative research techniques, as well as with the main creative and participatory methods. They are also able to apply the methodological knowledge learned to the field of social work and to outline a research project.


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Course unit content

The first part of the course is devoted to the analysis of the paradigms of social research, the role of the researcher in the knowledge-making and transformative process of social realities, and the reflexive posture. The second part will be devoted to the study of the main techniques of qualitative research by combining both 'classical' and creative and participatory research techniques and methods. The third and final part will be devoted to the 'operational translation' of the conceptual tools learned through methodological exercises.

Full programme

- The first part of the course will cover the paradigms of social research (positivism and interpretivism), the role of the researcher in data collection and analysis, and the different types of social research focusing particularly on action research and participatory research.
- The second part will introduce the different qualitative research tools for both 'traditional' and creative data collection, as well as approaches and techniques for their analysis and restitution.
- The third and final part will consist in group methodological exercises to translate theoretical knowledge into the field of social work.


David Silverman (2011) Manuale di ricerca sociale qualitativa, Roma, Carocci (CAPITOLI 1, 2, 3 e 4)

Alberta Giorgi, Micol Pizzolati, Elena Vacchelli (2021) Metodi creativi per la ricerca sociale. Contesto, pratiche e strumenti, Bologna, Il Mulino (CAPITOLI 1, 4, 5 e 6)

Fanno parte integrante del materiale didattico le slide utilizzare a lezione che verranno caricate periodicamente dalla docente sulla piattaforma Elly.

Non-attending students are reminded to check the platform to stay updated on the progress of the course

Teaching methods

The course will combine face-to-face lectures aimed at dialogically exploring the concepts and vocabulary of social research, workshop-style lectures aimed at 'testing' resources and limitations of the different techniques available, and seminars with researchers and practitioners to become familiar with the use of research methods in social work.

Assessment methods and criteria

For attending students, the profit examination will be as follows:
- writing a small group research project during the course;
- oral test aimed at verifying the ability to situate what was elaborated in one's research project in the epistemologies and theories addressed in class and in the reference manuals.

The grade will be composed 50% by the evaluation of the research project and 50% by the outcome of the oral exam.

For non-attending students, the profit exam will be an oral test of argumentative questions - on all the texts indicated in the bibliography plus the lecturer's slides uploaded on Elly - aimed at probing technical knowledge and specialized language learned as well as the ability to reflect on epistemologies and techniques of qualitative research in relation to social work.

Other information

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