Learning objectives
The student will acquire the basic knowledge of all issues related to the civil air traffic to the function and design of airport infrastructure and railways. The student will be able to dimension the spaces of airside and landside airport and related pavements. Guided technical tours of particularly significant construction sites or installations are planned.
None. It suggests the knowledge of the contents of the course "Construction of Roads, Railways and Airports (9CFU)".
Course unit content
The course aims to provide an updated view on the state of the art infrastructure for air transport, with basic elements of civil and military aircraft operations. In the second part of the course are elements of railway engineering with an emphasis on the ordinary lines and high speed.
Full programme
1)Aircraft, airports and air traffic.
2)Basic of Aircraft conceptions.
3)Aircraft performances.
4)Distance available.
5)Runway orientation.
6)Air traffic control and air navigation systems.
7)Airside configuration.
8)Obstacles evaluation.
9)Airside design.
10)Marking, signs and visual aids .
12)Pavements (CBR Method S-77), PCA, ACN-PCN.
13) Runways capacity.
14)Runway maintenance policy.
15) Risk analysis.
16) Railway Engineering fundamentals and related civil infrastructure.
Robert Horonjeff, Francis McKelvey, William Sproule, "Planning and Design of Airports", Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill Professional.
Salvo G., "Trasporto Aereo", Egaf, 2018.
Guerrieri M., "Infrastrutture Ferroviarie, Metropolitane, Tranviarie e per Ferrovie Speciali", Maggioli, 2017.
Teaching methods
Lectures and technical visit at the airside and landside of international airports or at Railway or Subway construction plant.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination. Students should, on a voluntary basis, to draw up a draft airport masterplan or a railway first level design.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
Sustainability, advanced training, design aimed at containing environmental impacts and costs.