Learning objectives
By the end of the course, students will master Excel 365, for data analysis and numerical calculation.
In particular, they will be able to analyze data and to create control dashboards.
The course requires a good knowledge of the main functionality of Excel.
However, to foster the comprehensions, basic topics will be recalled if needed.
Course unit content
The course introduces advanced tools and functionality of Excel 365 for data analysis and dashboarding.
Full programme
- Recaps on logical functions and conditional formatting.
- Lookup functions.
- Lambda and Let functions: how to create personalized functions.
- Creating array with MAP and MAKEARRAY functions.
- Recaps on data sorting, filtering and Pivot Table.
- Advanced sorting and filtering techniques.
1) Analisi Dati con Excel 2013, di Francesco Borazzo, edito da Apogeo
2) Excel 2013 The missing manual, by Matthew MacDonald, edited by O’Reilly
3) Excel Workbook, by Ballerini et al., Edited by Egea Editori
Lecturer's teaching handouts will be also provided.
Teaching methods
All the topics (whether purely theoretical or practical) will be carried out in the computer room.
A practical reference problem will always be developed in the classroom, starting from scratch.
All material produced in the laboratory will be made available and, as the course progresses, handouts and exercises (written by the lecturer) will
be provided.
Assessment methods and criteria
The test is written and it has a duration of about 1 hour. Please note that the test will be taken together with he written Python test.
This test consists of 2-3 exercises and accounts for approximately 1/3 of the total score.
Other information
The entire course will take place in the computer labs.
However, students are allowed to use their laptop in place of the PCs in the labs. For this purpose, it is necessary to be equipped with Excel 365, with the both the data analysis module and the solver module installed and functioning.
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