cod. 13103

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - Second semester
Claudia GRAIFF
Academic discipline
Fondamenti chimici delle tecnologie (CHIM/07)
Fisica e chimica
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student will have integrated his knowledge
about natural phenomena governing the transformation of matter, will
have a complete overview of the laws governing the structure of atoms,
molecules and compounds; know the theoretical reasons that are at the
basis of the energy balance during the transformations of matter, will
know how to obtain electrical work by processes of redox
Applying knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student will have developed the ability to
understand some physical and chemical characteristics of the
substances, such as state of aggregation and volatility, hardness and
fragility based on the knowledge of their structure. He will know how to
quantify spontaneity of chemical and electrochemical processes and
quantify the mass and energy balance during these transformations.
Making judgments:
By the end of the course, the student should be able to evaluate, with
critical mind, the experimental measurements of chemical reactions
Communication skills:
By the end of the course, the student should be able to clearly present
the experimental results of chemical reactions.


Solid knowledge in basic mathematics and physics is recommended

Course unit content

Fundamental laws of chemistry. Chemical reactions. Mass relationships in
chemical reactions. Reactions in water solution. Atomic structure. Basics
of atomic theory. Electromagnetic waves. Atomic spectra. Quantized
energy. The Bohr atom. Protons, neutrons and electrons. The
quantomechanic atom. Orbitals and their energies. Electronic
configurations of elements. Pauli’s principle. Hund’s rule. The aufbau
principle. Periodic system of the elements. Periodic properties.
Electronegativity. Metals, non metals, metalloids. Inorganic
nomenclature. Chemical bond. Ionic bond. Covalent bond. Molecular
geometry. Structural formulas. Exceptions to the octet rule. VSEPR
theory. Bond in aliphatic hydrocarbons. Valence Bond theory (VB). LCAOMO
theory. Intermolecular forces. Hydrogen bond. The behaviour of
gases. The ideal gas law. Gaseous mixtures. Real gases. Liquefaction of
gases. The properties of liquids. Vapor pressure of liquids. Phase diagram of one component systems. Phases rule. Boiling and melting points. The
properties of solids. Crystal packing. Ionic crystals. Covalent crystals.
Molecular crystals. Metal crystals and metal bond. Solutions.
Concentration. Raoult's law. Colligative properties. Chemical
thermodynamics. First principle of thermodynamics. Thermochemistry.
Hess's law. Standard enthalpy of formation. Enthalpy of reaction.
Combustions. Second principle of thermodynamics. Third principle and
absolute entropy. Entropy variation in chemical reactions. Spontaneity of
the reactions. Gibbs free energy and equilibrium constant. Chemical
equilibrium. Homogeneous equilibria. Le Chatelier-Brown principle.
Dependence of equilibrium constants from temperature. Ionic equilibria.
Acids and bases. Broensted-Lowry theory. Ionic product of water. pH.
Strength of acids and bases. Polyprotic acids. Hydrolysis. Solubility
product. Electrochemistry. Electrical and chemical energy. Galvanic cells.
Daniel cell. Cell potential. Electrode potential. Standard electrode
potentials and their applications. Redox reactions. Nernst equation.
Corrosion of metals. Electrolysis. Nomenclature of principal organic

Full programme

Fundamental laws of chemistry. Chemical reactions. Mass relationships in
chemical reactions. Reactions in water solution. Atomic structure. Basics
of atomic theory. Electromagnetic waves. Atomic spectra. Quantized
energy. The Bohr atom. Protons, neutrons and electrons. The quantomechanic atom. Orbitals and their energies. Electronic
configurations of elements. Pauli’s principle. Hund’s rule. The aufbau
principle. Periodic system of the elements. Periodic properties.
Electronegativity. Metals, non metals, metalloids. Inorganic
nomenclature. Chemical bond. Ionic bond. Covalent bond. Molecular
geometry. Structural formulas. Exceptions to the octet rule. VSEPR
theory. Bond in aliphatic hydrocarbons. Valence Bond theory (VB). LCAOMO
theory. Intermolecular forces. Hydrogen bond. The behaviour of
gases. The ideal gas law. Gaseous mixtures. Real gases. Liquefaction of
gases. The properties of liquids. Vapor pressure of liquids. Phase diagram
of one component systems. Phases rule. Boiling and melting points. The
properties of solids. Crystal packing. Ionic crystals. Covalent crystals.
Molecular crystals. Metal crystals and metal bond. Solutions.
Concentration. Raoult's law. Colligative properties. Chemical
thermodynamics. First principle of thermodynamics. Thermochemistry.
Hess's law. Standard enthalpy of formation. Enthalpy of reaction.
Combustions. Second principle of thermodynamics. Third principle and
absolute entropy. Entropy variation in chemical reactions. Spontaneity of
the reactions. Gibbs free energy and equilibrium constant. Chemical
equilibrium. Homogeneous equilibria. Le Chatelier-Brown principle.
Dependence of equilibrium constants from temperature. Ionic equilibria.
Acids and bases. Broensted-Lowry theory. Ionic product of water. pH.
Strength of acids and bases. Polyprotic acids. Hydrolysis. Solubility
product. Electrochemistry. Electrical and chemical energy. Galvanic cells.
Daniel cell. Cell potential. Electrode potential. Standard electrode
potentials and their applications. Redox reactions. Nernst equation.
Corrosion of metals. Electrolysis. Nomenclature of principal organic


Recommended book:
B. Laird, Chimica Generale,
ISBN: 978-88-386-6560-8
Additional educational material available on demand

Teaching methods

Lectures using slides. Optional tutorials with the help of High School

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination is based on a written questionnarie. Nine questions will be proposed, one for each subject of the course. (Punctuaction from 0 to 4 for each question)

Other information

Attendance strongly recommended

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905111

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Lucia Orlandini

T.+39 0521 906542
Office E.
Manager E.

President of the degree course

Barbara Bigliardi

Faculty advisor

Fabrizio Moroni

Career guidance delegate

Fabrizio Moroni

Tutor professor

Fabrizio Moroni