cod. 1005870

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - Second semester
Fabrizio BALSAMO
Academic discipline
Geologia strutturale (GEO/03)
Discipline geologiche e paleontologiche
Type of training activity
72 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Acquire the knowledge to evaluate the seismotectonic setting of a region/area, and capability to evaluate the sesmogenetic potential of a fault zone at different scales.


Structural Geology and Tectonics

Course unit content

During the course will be showed the different aspects and methodologies which concern the study of the earthquake phenomena from a geological point of view.

Full programme

1) Spatial distribution of earthquakes and seismotectonics
2) Mechanics of faulting, friction, e seismic cycle
3) Paleoseismology
4) Liquefaction, fluidization, seismites
5) Microstructural and petrophysical characterization of fault rocks to recognize aseismic and coseismic deformations (with practical exercises)
6) Mechanisms of dynamic weakening of fault zones: earthquake nucleation and propagation.
7) Earthquake in laboratory: low- to high-velocity friction experiments
8) Case history (San Andreas Fault, North Anatolian Fault, Corinth Fault, etc.)
9) Historical and recent seismicity in Italy (Messina 1908, Fucino 1915, Friuli 1976, Irpinia 1980, Colfiorito 1997, L’Aquila 2009, Emilia 2012).
10) Seismic hazard


Scientific articles published in international journals and provided by the teacher.

Teaching methods

Frontal lectures - class or remote teaching, synchronous or asynchronous; practical lessons in laboratory; fieldwork.

Teaching material will be uploaded weekly in ELLY platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

- Exercizes (mid term)
- Oral examination
- PPT presentation on a selected subject

Other information

One week field work in Central Apennines, near L'Aquila town. Structural analysis of an active fault.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

Sustainable development (earthquake hazard analysis)