Entry requirements
Access to the LM-74 degree course is free.
The educational path of the LM-74 degree presupposes knowledge of the fundamental disciplines in the Earth Sciences, mastery of technical terminology, computer skills and knowledge of English B1, also as geological terminology.
For graduates in Geology in Class 16 (M.D. 509/99) and L-34 (M.D. 270/04) direct access is recognised. For graduates with a degree other than those mentioned above (Class 16 and L-34), the degree course Teaching Committee will verify the possession of the minimum curricular requirements and the adequacy of personal preparation by means of an interview.
The minimum curricular requirements imply the acquisition of at least: (i) 21 ECTS credits in the disciplines MAT/01-09, FIS/01-08, CHIM/01-12 and INF/01 as follows 6 ECTS credits in MAT, 6 ECTS credits in FIS, 6 ECTS credits in CHIM and 3 ECTS credits in INF/01; (ii) 50 ECTS credits comprising at least three of the following areas GEO/01-03, GEO/04-05, GEO/06-09, GEO/10-12 and FIS/06.
The outcome of the personal preparation adequacy check, carried out by the degree course Teaching Committee on all candidates for enrolment, may be positive (admission to the LM-74) or negative (non-admission to the LM-74).