cod. 1004611

Academic year 2021/22
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Museologia e critica artistica e del restauro (L-ART/04)
Discipline metodologiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course, aims to offer to attending students, according to D.M. 616, an overview on the History of the art criticism during the Renaissance. The course focuses on Giorgio Vasari and his historical perspective


Basic knowledge of art history (from Early modern to Contemporary period), artists and works of art, the social and cultural contexts that enable artistic production and reception, as well as the artistic terminology.

Course unit content

Giorgio Vasari: On the Origins and Development of Art History and Art Criticism

Full programme

G. Vasari, Le Vite (Nelle edizioni curate da Barocchi/Bettarini e Bellosi/Rossi).
J. Von Schlosser, La Letteratura artistica, Firenze (in diverse edizioni)
M. Rossi, Unione e diversità. L'Italia di Vasari..., Firenze 2014
B. Agosti, G. Vasari, Luoghi e tempi delle vite, Milano 2013.


G. Vasari, Le Vite (nelle edizioni in più volumi curate da P. Barocchi e R. Bettarini)
e nella edizione curata da L. Bellosi e A. Rossi

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures, with powerpoint projections.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam.
The exam (20/30 minutes max) concern the entire course, and aims to verify the student knowledge acquired during the classroom lectures in Art History Teaching (Italian School System: secondary and high school, museums). A part of the exam aims to test the student ability and the autonomy in designing a single subject lesson for one single subject certification, through a power point presentation: Attending students are invited to present the power point during classroom; not-attending students are requested to send the power point at least TWO weeks before the oral exam. Students who don't attend the classes on regular basis must refer to the list of recommended reading.
In Italian Universities grades are given on the basis of 30 points (30/30). When the student's performance is considered outstanding, a laude can be added. The minimum passing grade is 18/30. Grades below 18 are a fail and are not registered.
A fail is determined by: 1. a lack of understanding of the basic content of the course; 2. the inability to express oneself adequately; 3. by a lack of autonomous preparation; 4. the inability to solve problems related to information retrieval and its decoding; 5. the inability in making judgements independently.
The minimum passing grade (18-23/30) is ascribed when the student's performance is acceptable, according to the 5 evaluation indicators expressed above. Middle-range scores (24-27/30) are assigned to students who show more than a sufficient level (24-25/30) or a good level (26-27/30) according to the 5 evaluation indicators expressed above. High scores (from 28/30 to 30/30 cum laude) are assigned to students who show a very good or an excellent level according to the 5 evaluation indicators expressed above.

Other information

Contents according to D.M. 616.
Students are pleased to get in touch with the professor in order to agree on a possible alternative exam programme.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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