cod. 1006374

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, the student will know the basic principles of the engineering approach to fire safety with particular reference to the fire resistance of structures. It will also have to acquire:
- Knowledge of numerical codes used in fire safety design on the basis of the engineering approach;
- Knowledge of structural fire resistance design principles;
- Knowledge of regulatory guidelines for the their calculation;
- Knowledge of constructive details and fire protection systems.

Skills: Students will have to be able to face a design study through the use of the engineering approach to fire safety and in particular through the use of numericall codes acknowledged in this field. It will have the ability to choose, arrange, and overlay the various elements for structural reinforced concrete, steel, masonry and wood.

Autonomy of judgment: The student must possess the tools to critically evaluate design choices in the field of fire safety engineering. The student should be able to calculate the fire resistanc of structural elements and choose the appropriate methods of protection. Communication skills: During the course student will refine the language property with specific reference to the specific technical terminology to communicate effectively a project.

Learning ability:
The student must acquire the ability to solve problems and to face the most suitable design options even the ones not considered
during the course. Students will also be able to consult the main Bibliographic references of the sector.


To follow the course with profit is required the
Knowledge of the basic concepts of Technical Physics,
Building Science and Construction Technique. IS'
Also useful to be familiar with the features of
The base of the Microsoft Excel program.

Course unit content

The course is divided into two complementary modules:
The first (21 hours overall) is focused on the engineering approach to fire safety, the second (21 hours overall)
dedicated to the fire protection design of reinforced concrete, steel, masonry and wood structures.
The exercise activity carried out in the computer lab, focused on application cases, is aimed at acquiring knowledge of an applicative nature inherent to fire-fighting design. The practice activities are coordinated by both teachers.

Full programme

Fire Safety Engineering Module:

Introduction: Regulatory and engineering approach to fire design - national and international regulatory framework of reference, the DM 3 August 2015, DM 3 august 2015, DM May 9, 2007, ISO / TR 13387, stages of fire growth, the condition of flashover, the fire load and specific design fire load. Thermodynamics of combustion: combustion process, combustion byproducts, amount of oxygen consumed, theoretical air of combustion, stoichiometric concentration, ventilation ratio, over ventilated and underventilated conditions. Energy balance of the flame: enthalpy of combustion, adiabatic combustion temperature, minimum energy energy, extinguishing agents, Halons. Classification of the flames: the limits of
flammability and premixed flames, measurement of flammability limits, flammability diagrams, diffusive flames, laminar and turbulent jet flames. Regimes of burning: RHR, rate of burning, the pool fire, the alpha tsquared model, fire development. Natural fire: the flame height, the plume of smoke and fire, the ideal model of the plume, the Zukoski model, the Heskestad model, the Thomas model, the McCaffrey model, Production and dynamics of the smoke produced by the fire, Fire resistance of structures: the nominal fire curves, application examples, passive protection of structures. Numerical analysis applied to the thermo fluid dynamics of the fire: The zone models and field models, C-Fast, FDS. The exercise activities carried out in the computer lab, focused on case studies, are aimed at the acquisition of the fundamental elements for the use of CFD codes for fire simulation and fire safety design.

Structural Fire Resistance Module:
1 ) The fire resistance in accordance with Italian Codes and Eurocodes .
2) Actions on structures exposed to fire according to EN 1991-1-2
3 ) Fire design of reinforced concrete structures according to EN 1992-1-2 and UNI 9502. Tabular and analytical methods; Protection systems
4 ) Fire design of steel structures according to EN 1993- 1-2 and UNI 9503. Graphic and analytical method .Protection systems of structures
5 ) Fire design of masonry structures according to EN 01/02/1996
6 ) Fire design of wood structures according to EN 1995-1-2 and UNI 9504. Protection systems.


Antonio La Malfa Case Editrice "Lagislazione Tecnica
Editrice" Roma.

An Introduction to Fire Dynamics, by D.
Drysdale, John Wiley Edition.

Buchanan AH, Gambarova P, Felicetti R, "Progetto delle strutture resistenti al fuoco", HOEPLI.

Further teaching material available on the "Elly" portal: Electronic copy of the slides used during the course. Track all of them
exercises carried out.

Teaching methods

The theoretical part of the course will be illustrated by frontal lessons using the slides projection for both the modules. The part devoted to the exercise, coordinated by the two teachers, involves lectures in computer labs aimed at the Simulation of the combustion dynamics for
some representative and applicative fire scenarios. Every exercise provides an introduction to case studies, an activity carried out by students
independently, followed by elaboration and discussion of results. Calculation codes used are those accredited in fire design: C-FAST, FDS and
Comsol Multiphysics relative to modeling of thermal stress on fire structures. Whenever possible, the couse is also completed with seminars held by experts registered at the Fire Professionals Register or by officials of the provincial command VVF.

Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment of learning is based on the evaluation of a project work, assigned and discussed at the end of the lessons, to be carried out independently by using the calculation codes used in the exercises. it follows an oral test. Verification is weighed: 70% project work (correct analysis of a case study); 30% oral check (theoretical questions and exposure properties).

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