cod. PR08265

Academic year 2021/22
1° year of course - Second semester
Rachele LA SALA
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche generali, cliniche e pediatriche (MED/45)
Scienze infermieristiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: Parma Azienda USL
course unit

Integrated course unit module: GENERAL NURSING II

Learning objectives

Applied nursing methodology is part of the integrated course 'General Nursing II'.

The main objective is to enable the student to learn and understand the cognitive, technical, interpersonal, ethical-legal skills, needed to implement the procedures, with a view to provide a safe and evidence-based care, as well as based on the available resources and the clients' preferences.

The specific goals in detail as follows: get the students to know the methodological steps of the addressed nursing procedures; enable them to point out the critical points for each procedure; enable them to evaluate the guidelines of best practice, and the evidence based on the available research in support of the specific procedures, and finally, teach them how to deal with possible unexpected situations one comes across in the clinical practice, while applying a procedure.


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Course unit content

The course contents, detailed as follows, were developed from the functional models:

Activity and physical exercise model: measuring of blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, ECG making, nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal aspiration, management of the patient with a thoracic drain, oxygen administration with high and low flow devices, aerosol therapy.

Bowel elimination model: performing a small or large volume cleansing enema, manual evacuation, application of faecal incontinence device, collecting a stools sample for hidden blood and coprocultural test, replacement, emptying and managing of a stoma device.

Urinary elimination model: placement of bottle, bedpan and male condom, male and female urinary catheter placement and management, permanent urinary catheter removal, sample collection for urine culture, replacement, emptying and management of urostomy device.

Nutritional and metabolic model: placement and removal of naso-gastric tube, feeding through a feeding tube, simple dressings.

Hygiene and self-care model: bed making of empty occupied bed, performing complete or partial body hygiene.

Full programme

he course contents, detailed as follows, were developed from the functional models:

Activity and physical exercise model: measuring of blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, ECG making, nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal aspiration, management of the patient with a thoracic drain, oxygen administration with high and low flow devices, aerosol therapy.

Bowel elimination model: performing a small or large volume cleansing enema, manual evacuation, application of faecal incontinence device, collecting a stools sample for hidden blood and coprocultural test, replacement, emptying and managing of a stoma device.

Urinary elimination model: placement of bottle, bedpan and male condom, male and female urinary catheter placement and management, permanent urinary catheter removal, sample collection for urine culture, replacement, emptying and management of urostomy device.

Nutritional and metabolic model: placement and removal of naso-gastric tube, feeding through a feeding tube, simple dressings.

Hygiene and self-care model: bed making of empty occupied bed, performing complete or partial body hygiene.


TITLE: Valutazione Infermieristica della persona assistita – Approccio Integrato
AUTHOR: G. Artioli, P. Copelli, C, Foà e R. La Sala

R. CRAVEN – Principi fondamentali dell’assistenza infermieristica – 6^ Edizione Italiana – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

Teaching methods

case-study. e-learning laboratory-frontal lesson

Assessment methods and criteria

At the end of the course, students should be able to demonstrate their knowledge, comprehension skills, and indipendent judgement, about the addressed nursing procedures. All of this by applying the theorical and methodlogical principles of the nursing science, and thanks to the already acquired skills in anatomy, biology, phisiology, psychology and sociology.
Furthermore, thanks to the acquired knowledge and understanding, and the communication skills, they should demonstrate methodological rigour which consists of: the definition, the initial evaluation (influencing factors among them), materials' description, the preparation of the environment, the assisted person, and the professional, the operational phases with their scientific rationale, the critical thinking and the clinical reasoning, the final evaluations and the recording modalities.
Written test is the choosen method to verify the course learning goals achievement.
The students knowledge and comprehension skills will be tested through multiple choice questions about the course contents.

Other information

The entire course of Nursing Methodology applies, will be entirely carried out in integration with the course of "Clinical Laboratory 1st year".

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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