cod. 16008

Academic year 2023/24
3° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Scienze tecniche di medicina di laboratorio (MED/46)
Tirocinio differenziato per specifico profilo
Type of training activity
625 hours
of face-to-face activities
25 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The third year internship aims to consolidate and refine all the basic technical skills that must represent the "core curriculum" of the student who is preparing to enter the world of work.
During this year, the student will not only be asked to be able to learn complex and specialized techniques, but in particular to demonstrate their ability to reflect and critically reason on what they have learned and experienced.


It is essential that the student has passed the internship exam of the second year and all the exams of the previous year and completed before the exam date, all the number of hours of attendance required by the study plan for the third year

Course unit content

In the third year internship, as already carried out during the first two years, we will continue to try to stimulate and develop critical and motivational intelligence in students, in order to facilitate the practical learning of specialized analytical methods of increasing complexity compared to those learned in previous years.
The rotating students will therefore be gradually placed in the specialized sectors of the workshops attended and they will be asked to learn how to act independently, developing reasoning skills aimed at analyzing the critical issues encountered for the purposeful resolution of problems.
It will also be required to show understanding of simple analytical / instrumental methods written in English.

Full programme

The third year internship program provides for the rotation of students within the specialized sectors of the chemical, clinical, microbiological, genetic, pathological, immunohematological, nuclear medicine and forensic analysis laboratories for the consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills.
In particular, the student will have to learn to:
- perform manual and automated methods in complete autonomy supervised by the clinical tutor;
- evaluate the appropriateness of the result obtained
- be able to detect and report non-conformities in an appropriate manner;
- actively participate in improvement processes;
- show reflexive and critical analysis skills aimed at improvement;
- demonstrate the ability to recognize the priorities for carrying out the investigations required in an urgent and emergency regime (supervision by the Clinical Tutor);
- be able to independently identify the area of interest in which to propose a study topic aimed at designing the final thesis.


The teaching material relating to the different methods will be provided by the Tutors, while the reference texts are those indicated by the teachers who teach the techniques of each specific laboratory area.

Teaching methods

The strategies for teaching and learning in internships are aimed at considering the following pedagogical principles and values:
- use an experience-based learning model;
- empower the student by using self-directed learning methods by applying pedagogical principles relating to adult learning methods;
- carry out tutoring (by experienced professionals) to ensure constant supervision and to facilitate the learning process of the students;
- ensure the transparency of the evaluation process.
Students will be informed in advance about the standards that will be used to evaluate their performance and which elements will contribute to the final grade.
They will therefore be asked to use, throughout the internship, a notebook in which to write down any doubts and critical issues to discuss with the tutors or with the DADP in the various moments of feedback, aimed at achieving critical thinking

Assessment methods and criteria

The expected learning outcomes, classified according to the Dublin Descriptors, are:
- applied knowledge and understanding;
- autonomy of judgment;
- communication skills;
- ability to learn.
The verification of learning provides, after checking the hours performed, an individual interview followed by a practical test that will be carried out in one of the internship locations inside the University Hospital of Parma relating to the areas of attendance provided for third grade students. year. This test, decided in agreement with the examining commission, will focus on the evaluation of the technical skills achieved through the practical execution of one of the laboratory methods provided for in the training program and subsequent verification of the result obtain

Other information

The student can register for the internship exam only after having completed all the hours scheduled for the year of attendance (625 hours).
During the exam, the student must present the internship booklet certifying the program carried out.

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