cod. 07016

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Scienze tecniche di medicina di laboratorio (MED/46)
Tirocinio differenziato per specifico profilo
Type of training activity
500 hours
of face-to-face activities
20 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Introduce students to Laboratories and Sectors, characterized by medium / high complexity, consolidating the practical skills learned during the first year, through guided and supervised tutorials, of laboratory analysis of growing complexity.
Students divided into small groups will be included in all the principal laboratories of the Parma Hospital-University Hospital (training venues).
The Coordinator of each site will host for the first time students in the fields (as a trainee program) and will describe them the type of organization present within the U., in particular:
• U.O. map presentation. (Sectors, Type of Survey and Related Materials, Present Clinicians, Instrumentation, Procedures and Operating Instructions Presented, Relevant Staff, Roles and Functions of Different Team Professionals, Local Premises, etc.);
• standards to be observed;
• DPI and correct usage.
The Coordinator will endeavor to provide the students with a period of permanence that will ensure the learning of the activities required by the schedule and program.
In addition, each Tutor (tutor's guide) will provide a description of the specific organization, type of surveys, and related materials of the instrument in question at the time of the student's reception. Subsequently, the tutor will show the student the main activities that this will need to learn and supervise the learning of manual exercises. The internship guide serves as a guarantor on the actual acquisition of the skills required by the student in relation to the specific field of reference.


It is indispensable for the student to pass the 1st year internship and complete the full-time attendance plan

Course unit content

Professional training is the key element in the training of students in the degree programs of health professions and is therefore considered a fundamental step in the training course as it aims to develop specific skills.In the second year internship as well as during the first year of the course, you will continue to seek to stimulate and develop students in critical and motivational intelligence to facilitate practical learning of more sophisticated analytical methods than Those only observed or partially acted during the first year of the course.In the second year of the course, the student will be gradually included in all the major "operational settings" (clinical and research laboratories) of the Parma University Hospital so that every student is guaranteed the opportunity to know and learn to differentiate the different professional fields . This opportunity will also be useful to learn to discover their individual aptitudes and professional potential and to direct their development.

Full programme

The second year apprenticeship program envisages that the student, who is included in the different laboratories of the University Hospital, will, after a brief initial period of observance of the general organization and job-specific organization, begin, supervised by a clinical tutor, acquire skills Manuals required. It will therefore begin to learn about laboratory equipment (maintenance, management and testing of functional tests), applying and recognizing the different peculiarities of analysis. They will learn how to do all the manual and instrumental methods, as planned by the program delivered to students and tutors before starting the internship.


The teaching material will be provided to the students by the clinical tutors and the Coordinators of the various training venues.

Teaching methods

Teaching and apprenticeship strategies tend to consider the following pedagogical principles and values:
- use a learning model from experience;
- empowering the student by using self-directed learning methods by applying the pedagogical principles of adult learning;
- tutoring (by experienced professionals) to ensure constant supervision and to encourage the student learning process;
- ensure the transparency of the evaluation process. Students must be informed in advance of the standards that will be used to evaluate their performance and the elements that will contribute to the final voting of their internship.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of learning involves an individual interview which will be followed by a practical test that will be carried out in one of the internships within the Parma Hospital-University Hospital attended by the student during the course year. This test, decided in agreement with the Examination Committee, will be based on the assessment of the technical skills obtained through the practical implementation of one of the activities envisaged in the training program

Other information

Nothing to report.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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