cod. 1007329

Academic year 2021/22
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Economia e gestione delle imprese (SECS-P/08)
Type of training activity
35 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: SHOPPER MARKETING

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide complete information of the retail mix instruments used
by retailers to increase the degree of customer satisfaction, in a market characterized by increasing competition.
a. Knowledge and ability to understand
The intention is to transfer the necessary knowledge to the student regarding the retail mix instrumentation used by the distribution to increase the degree of satisfaction of the final clientele. This will be done through a detailed analysis of the retail mix levers managed by the distribution (assortment, price and promotion) aimed at allowing the student to have elements of a conceptual nature useful for understanding the functioning of the marketing processes.
b. Applying knowledge and understanding
The student will have the necessary knowledge to understand the problems related to the profitability of the distributor and the satisfaction of the final customer. The ability to apply the acquired knowledge will be through the deepening of case studies and the carrying out of group work for students attending the course.
c. Making judgments
At the end of the course the student will be able to use the analytical tools acquired. The autonomy of judgment of the student will be stimulated by promoting the ability to analyze the positioning of the product categories on the basis of the Ecr model.
d. Communication skills
During the course the student will be stimulated to acquire adequate communication and synthesis skills. The participants in the group work will be invited to present the results of the research carried out.
e. Learning skills
At the end of the course the student will have gained the ability to expand, update and deepen the knowledge acquired in the classroom and studying in textbooks. The group work is aimed at stimulating the student's curiosity, strengthening his ability to learn and analyze.


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Course unit content

The course aims to provide an updated overview of the retail mix actions taken by the major retailers in order to create value. To this end it is planned a detailed analysis of the retail mix levers managed by retailers (assortment, price and promotion) designed to enable the student to have the conceptual elements useful to understand the functioning of the marketing processes and verify the returns in terms of profitability and satisfaction.
In a second part, the course also includes the study of the category management ECR model to encourage the sperimentative and application dimensions by students. Testimonies are provided, regarding the management of the retail mix levers by national and international retail chains manager.

Full programme

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G. Cristini (2020). Retailing al futuro. Egea
Slides that will be published on the Elly platform during the course

Teaching methods

Frontal classes, Plenary discussions, Business case studies and presentations from managers

Assessment methods and criteria

The learning results will be assessed through a final written test (7.5 points each).
Two questions are aimed at assessing knowledge and understanding about: (a) the formation and management of assortment policies, (b) the management of long and short-term price policies, (c) the management of space allocation.
Two questions of more applicative content intend, instead, to ascertain the ability to apply the knowledge, the autonomy of judgment and the ability to learn, with particular reference to the ECR model of category management.
Communication skills through an appropriate technical language will be verified through the assessment of an appropriate use of technical terms in the answers to the questions above.
Should future exams be undertaken in blended or full-online mode, the exam will be oral for those who will be in the distance. Students enrolled in the course will fine detailed instructions in the course’s Elly page at the end of the course.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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