Learning objectives
Identify the correct structural scheme , choose a construction technology suitable for the realization, recognize the most important design issues related to the most common types of PC and Concrete bridges
Autonomy of Judgment:
The student should be able to choose the most suitable type of bridge for different technical, logistical, structural needs
Communication Skills:
During the course, the student should refine the language property, with specific reference to the specific technical terminology of the teaching
Learning skills:
The student must acquire the ability, once identified the problem to be solved, to select the most suitable design choice even evaluating options not identical to those exposed during the course. The student will also be able to consult autonomously the bibliographic references of the topic.
The student taking this course is already familiar with the concepts of Strength of Materials, Structural Engineering, Reinforced Concrete, and Geotechnics. Useful topics for the course will be reviewed during the lessons.
Course unit content
The course provides the basic tools for the design of bridges, with reference to the identification of static schemes, actions, methods of analysis, sizing criteria of decks, beams, piers, supports
Full programme
1) General aspects
2) Typologies
3) Actions: variable actions, distortions, impressed deformations, thermal variations; some considerations on hydraulic and geotechnical problems
4) Theory of influence lines
5) Transverse distribution of actions: Courbon-Albenga methods, Massonet-Bares method, Fem analysis
6) Reinforced concrete and composite steel-concrete decks
7) Steel and reinforced concrete beam bridges
8) Substructures: bearings, abutments, piers, foundations
9) Construction techniques
10) Dynamic effects and seismic behavior
11) Arch bridges
All the material used during the lectures and the exercises (slides, Excel sheets, movies) is made available to students on the Elly teaching platform.
M.P. Petrangeli, “Progettazione e costruzione di ponti”, Quarta edizione, Zanichelli, 1996
C. Menn, “Prestressed concrete bridges”
G. Albenga, "I ponti", Vol. I e II, Ed. UTET, Torino, 1953
M.J.N Priestley, F. Seible, G.M. Calvi, “Seismic design of bridges”, Wiley-Interscience, 1996
Teaching methods
The course will consist of a series of face-to-face lectures, including Powerpoint presentations. The lectures will be held in the classroom (except for new regulatory indications for COVID-19 emergency). During the course, seminars with external speakers can be organized to deepen some topics covered in the course.
Assessment methods and criteria
The examination is oral and includes three questions on the various topics of the course.
The following elements contribute to the determination of the judgment
Knowledge of the topics covered during the course (60%)
Skills: ability to analytically solve problems and exercises similar to those carried out in the classroom (40%)
Communication skills: property of language (10%)
Honors are awarded in the case of achieving the maximum score in the three questions to which is added the excellent disciplinary vocabulary mastery.
Other information
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