cod. 1008071

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - First semester
Eleonora BOTTANI
Academic discipline
Impianti industriali meccanici (ING-IND/17)
Ingegneria gestionale
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course, the student will acquire a comprehensive overview of logistic and supply chain processes and will be able to outline their design.
Applied knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course, the student will acquire the skills required to understand, control and plan all logistic and supply chain activities, with particular attention to warehouse processes and inventory management.
Making judgements:
The student is expected to acquire adequate knowledge for a critical analysis of logistics and supply chain activities.
Communication skills:
The student is expected to acquire a specific vocabulary on logistics and supply chain management and to be able to expose the main concepts and issues related to those areas
Learning ability:
The student should be able to set up the project of logistic picking and inventory management processes, using the MS Excel tool, as well as outlining the results.


Industrial logistics

Course unit content

The course deepens and completes some of the topics already covered in the teachings of "Industrial Logistics" and "Supply Chain Management" and proposes the treatment of topics complementary to these courses, mainly based on a rigorous scientific approach and related to real data and practical exercises carried out through the tool MS Excel ®. The students are also offered the analysis of some case studies related to the topics covered.

Full programme

- The picking process;
- Warehouse management systems;
- Automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS)
- Inventory management policies in deterministic and stochastic environments;


Suggested texts:
- Ferrozzi, Shapiro. Logistics and Strategy Vol I and II. McGraw-Hill
- Caron, Marchet, Wegner. Material handling and storage systems. HOEPLI, Milan;
- Dallari, Course in Logistics and Transport, vol.1. HOEPLI, Milan

Other teaching materials:
- slides of the lessons uploaded on the Elly portal
- scientific papers provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

The course consists of 6 CFUs, which are addressed mainly through face-to-face lessons and exercises. The exercises are solved using Microsoft Excel and may be carried out in the laboratory. The frontal lessons are held in the classroom. During the course students are offered the opportunity to deal with some company case studies on specific subjects to be taught, through the intervention of external experts (seminars).
The teacher provides students with the teaching material using the Elly platform, to which the students are invited to subscribe before the beginning of the lessons. The teaching material made available consists of pdf slides divided into the different chapters dealt with during the course. The teacher updates the material yearly, therefore that material may not be available in its entirety at the beginning of the course. However, the teacher will try to make available the material relating to a chapter of the course before the beginning of the chapter itself. The teacher also provides as teaching material the resolution of the exercises carried out in class, on Microsoft Excel files.
Additional teaching material, such as slides used by outsiders during seminars, will be provided to students if made available by the company involved.

Assessment methods and criteria

Verification of learning is through an exam in the form of a quiz, printed and taken in the lab. Conducting the quiz in the lab is necessary because students need the Microsoft Excel tool for solving the exercises proposed in the exam.
The questions contained are multiple-choice type; each question has 5-6 answer options, only one of which is considered correct. The correct answer is worth 1.25 points if it is a theoretical question (-0.30 if the answer is wrong), 3 points if it is an exercise (-0.30 if the answer is wrong).
There is always the option "I prefer not to say," which IS NOT (obviously) the correct answer option, but if selected, it does not result in penalty. Of course, the teacher also interprets any question left blank as "I prefer not to answer."
The test consists of 13 theoretical questions-for a total of 16.25 points-and 5 exercises-for a total of 15 points, so for 31.25 total points (corresponding, if correct, to a score of 30/30 cum laude) and 17 total questions, to be completed in 50 minutes. The teacher may of course give intermediate marks depending on how the student solved each exercise, for which the unfolding is REQUIRED to be reported. For example, if the unfolding is partial or does not allow for justification of the choice made by the student, it is likely that the teacher will not award the maximum score. Similar for an unfolding that contains errors, although leading (eventually) to the right answer choice.
The result of the quiz is calculated by the professor and rounded in the case of a fractional score, in relation to the mathematical score achieved. Specifically, if the decimal part of the grade is between 0.05 and 0.45, the score is rounded down, and if it is between 0.5 and 0.95, the score is rounded up. NO bonus points are added. Therefore, an exam is considered sufficient if the grade earned is at least 17.5. Lower scores are NOT considered sufficient. There is NO oral examination.
The final grade is published by the lecturer through the ESSE3 platform and is valid for n.7 days. When publishing the results, the lecturer signals a useful time for students to view the tests.

Other information

The exam can be taken ONLY and ONLY IF the student is correctly registered on ESSE3 system. A student which is not registered for the exam is not accepted and cannot do it in that session. The teacher also does not accept justifications for this.
Upon successful completion of the examination, the student has a maximum of 15 days to proceed with the verbalization or prosecute the case of rejection of the grade (deadline imposed by the online verbalization system). After that period, if the student has not performed the Reject action (or has not performed any action), the grade is deemed to be accepted and will be verbalized

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