Professional outlets

MANAGEMENT ENGINEER SUPPLY CHAIN SPECIALIST Functions The main functions of the professional figure and the related skills are analysed on the basis of Almalaurea data, the results of the Steering Committee and the EXCELSIOR Information System reports. The experienced management engineer/supply chain specialist designs and ensures the performance of the supply chain from ordering to shipping, invoicing and customer service. The engineer working in this context works by supervising a variety of different employees and departments within the supply chain to ensure that the overall process runs smoothly.
Competences - Knowledge of the logic of analysis, design and management of business information within goods and service producing enterprises, including user interaction aspects.
- In-depth knowledge of topics such as the organisation of distribution systems, outsourcing of logistics activities, the impact of new technologies (e-logistics), solutions implemented in different industrial and commercial sectors.
- Ability to address the main issues of a supply chain through the application of quantitative and qualitative analysis tools.
- Ability to apply techniques for economic evaluation in a supply chain.
- Ability to apply lean management principles in both the design and management of supply chains, distribution and internal processes.
Outlets - Companies producing goods or services; - Logistics operators; - Large-scale retail trade; - Consulting companies; - ICT System Integrators.
EXPERT PRODUCTION ENGINEER Functions The main functions of the professional figure and the related skills are analysed on the basis of Almalaurea data, the results of the Steering Committee and the EXCELSIOR Information System reports. The production management engineer holds roles in the production areas (e.g. planning, scheduling and quality-quantity control).
Competences - Knowledge of the logic of analysis, design and management of business information within goods and service producing enterprises, including user interaction aspects.
- Knowledge of management strategies applicable to a production system and procedures for analysing system performance.
- Knowledge of integrated design and production techniques used in the manufacturing industry.
- Ability to apply methods to assess the efficiency, effectiveness and economic viability of the production system.
- Knowledge of the main process control and acceptance control techniques during both raw material acquisition and product/service marketing.
- Ability to apply quality measurement methodologies and the fundamental concepts of quality standards.
- Ability to apply methods of planning, scheduling, monitoring and controlling orders through the use of quantitative tools.
Outlets - Manufacturing companies; - Consulting companies; - ICT System Integrators.
ENGINEER EXPERT IN CONTROL AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Functions The main functions of the professional figure and the related skills are analysed on the basis of Almalaurea data, the results of the Steering Committee and the reports of the EXCELSIOR Information System. The management engineer experienced in business control and management acts as a business process analyst, identifying areas for improvement and information requirements necessary for process optimisation. S/he normally works to support management in the areas of management control, innovation, marketing and finance in defining and implementing development strategies.
Competences - Knowledge of the logic of analysis, design and management of business information within goods and service producing enterprises, including user interaction aspects.
- Ability to apply advanced methodologies for management control and industrial accounting.
- Ability to understand the profitability and equity implications of specific operational and strategic business decisions.
- Ability to understand the interplay between financial market trends, investment opportunities and capital structure choices made by companies.
- Ability to apply quantitative risk management tools. Ability to identify, assess and manage major financial, credit and operational risks.
Outlets - Manufacturing companies; - Service companies; - Public and private organisations; - Consulting companies; - ICT System Integrators.

Communication Skills

The educational profile that the Second-cycle Degree Course in Management Engineering intends to meets the fundamental requirement of interdisciplinarity functional to the assumption of organisational roles of integration and coordination of business processes that by their very nature involve human resources with very heterogeneous cultural profiles and backgrounds.
The effectiveness of these roles is significantly dependent on their interpersonal and communication skills.
The autonomous development of these skills is stimulated through the constant use of project activities within the individual subjects. The methodological approaches followed together with the results obtained are the subject of reports and papers that are directly presented in the classroom. The laboratory activities specifically planned within the training course also have the characteristics of simulating complex decision-making processes within which the student is asked to assume specific organisational roles (role playing).
Verification of the level of communication skills achieved by the student during the course of his or her studies also takes place upon graduation during the presentation and discussion of the thesis.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905111

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Lucia Orlandini
T.+39 0521 906542
Office E.
Manager E.


Course president

Francesco Zammori

Faculty advisor

Giovanni Romagnoli

Career guidance delegate

Giovanni Romagnoli

Tutor professor

Giovanni Romagnoli

Erasmus delegates

Roberto Montanari
Fabrizio Moroni
Adrian Hugh Alexander Lutey

Quality assurance manager

Francesco Zammori

Tutor students