Characteristics of the final test

The final examination for a Second-cycle degree consists of a design or analysis activity in the field of Management Engineering, agreed upon with a supervisor and developed by the student with personal input, followed by the drafting of a written report (thesis) and its discussion in front of the Degree Committee. In the final examination, the candidate must demonstrate mastery of the topics, the ability to work independently and adequate communication skills.
The report for the final examination may be written in English with an extensive summary in Italian.
The Degree Committee will make an overall assessment of the candidate's basic and professional preparation, taking into account the results of the candidate's entire university career, including the work relating to the preparation of the thesis. The Degree Committee's grade is expressed in hundredths.
For further details, please refer to the Course Regulations of the Second-cycle Degree Course in Management Engineering

Conduct of the final examination

The final examination for a Second-cycle degree consists of a design or analysis activity in the field of management engineering, agreed upon with a supervisor and developed by the student with personal input, followed by the drafting of a written report (thesis) and its discussion in front of the Degree Commission. In the final examination, the candidate must demonstrate mastery of the topics, the ability to work independently and adequate communication skills.
The Final Degree Examination Commission consists of at least five members, the majority of whom must be tenured professors, and is appointed by the Director of the Department in accordance with the University Regulations.
The report for the final examination may be written in English with an extensive summary in Italian.
The Degree Commission will make an overall assessment of the candidate's basic and professional preparation, taking into account the results of the candidate's entire university career, including the work relating to the preparation of the thesis.
In order to be admitted to the final examination, the student must have successfully passed, as a rule within ten days of the examination date, the examination relating to all the activities envisaged in the official programme of study for a total of at least 105 ECTS credits.
Three Second-cycle degree examination sessions are scheduled for each academic year: summer, autumn and winter. As a rule, the first useful session for taking the Second-cycle degree examination is the one at the end of the second term of the second year. The winter session is a session of the previous academic year and normally ends at the end of March.


Termini e modalità di assegnazione e di deposito della tesi di Laurea Magistrale

La richiesta di assegnazione della tesi di laurea magistrale, contenente il titolo provvisorio (c.d. “argomento di tesi”), deve essere consegnata alla Segreteria Studenti in quattro copie firmate dal relatore ovvero depositata in modalità telematica con trasmissione a mezzo e-mail alla Segreteria medesima, almeno quattro mesi prima della data fissata per l’esame di laurea.

Il relatore deve essere un docente di un insegnamento del corso di studio all’atto della presentazione della domanda.

Almeno 30 giorni prima della data fissata per l’esame di laurea, il candidato deve completare la procedura online di ammissione alla seduta di laurea magistrale, con indicazione definitiva del titolo dell’elaborato, del nome del relatore e del nome degli eventuali correlatori. I dettagli inerenti a tale procedura sono reperibili al seguente link: 

Entro dieci giorni dalla data fissata per l’esame di laurea magistrale, i candidati devono depositare, sempre mediante procedura informatizzata, la tesi definitiva in formato elettronico, nonché il riassunto della tesi al più di 500 parole (due pagine).

Per ulteriori dettagli si rimanda al Regolamento didattico del Corso di Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria gestionale.



Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905111

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Lucia Orlandini
T.+39 0521 906542
Office E.
Manager E.


Course president

Francesco Zammori

Faculty advisor

Giovanni Romagnoli

Career guidance delegate

Giovanni Romagnoli

Tutor professor

Giovanni Romagnoli

Erasmus delegates

Roberto Montanari
Fabrizio Moroni
Adrian Hugh Alexander Lutey

Quality assurance manager

Francesco Zammori

Tutor students