cod. 1008752

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
Fabrizio MORONI
integrated course unit
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

For the Design module:
Knowledge and understanding: capacity to precisely interpret technical drawings, including symbols relating to mechanical machining operations. Knowledge of the main types of connections and transmissions.
Expertise: Ability to draft, freehand or with the use of set squares, technical drawings of mechanical components based on elevations or isometric drawings. Ability to assign tolerances and surface finish requirements based on the necessary component functionality.
Independent interpretation: Development of an adequate autonomy in the analysis of mechanical systems so as to correctly represent their individual components.
Communication skills: Further to production of correct and complete graphical representations necessary for conveying the form of simple mechanical components, students will acquire specific vocabulary inherent to mechanical drawing through frontal lessons and provided teaching material.
Interpretation capacity: Ability to interpret technical drawings and extract three-dimensional forms from them. Capacity to apply related knowledge where necessary (e.g. relationship between component functionality, design and production method).

For the Technology module:
This module provides knowledge and ability necessary for analysis of manufacturing processes and production systems for industrial components and products. The primary objective of this course is to development a level of proficiency sufficient such that students can understand mechanical component production processes within an industrial context based on information provided within mechanical and detail drawings.
To this end, development of knowledge relating to the following points is necessary:
- Information contained within a technical drawing in terms of component geometry, materials, surface finish and dimensional and positioning tolerances;
- Issues relating to fulfilment of specific precision requirements during the production cycle and knowledge of measurement tools necessary for quantification;
- Foundry and plastic deformation as primary forming processes;
- Machining processes utilising machine tools;
To this end, development of the following abilities is necessary:
- Study of the primary forming processes of a component;
- Determination of the raw material (in terms of dimensions, material and primary production process) for subsequent machining of a mechanical component;
- Identification of the sequence of operations necessary to create the surfaces making up the component;
- Calculation of the forces acting throughout the cutting process and the power absorbed by machine tools.


Important prerequisite for the Design Module is knowledge of the fundamentals of physics. For the Technology module: General physics, Mathematical analysis A

Course unit content

The course consists of 2 modules, Design and Technology, 6 CFUs each module:
The Design module provides students with the fundamentals of industrial technical drawing. Initially the course covers the bases of mechanical drawing, orthogonal projections of simple and complex bodies, sections and axonometric projections. Subsequently, more specific topics will be covered including interpretation and arrangement of geometric dimensioning, surface finish and dimensional and geometric tolerances required for component functionality. Finally, the main types of permanent and releasable connections will be covered with particular attention to threaded connections, welded joints and mechanical transmissions. Practical exercises will be given during lessons throughout the entire course, covering all of the treated topics.
The aim of the Technology module is to study manufacturing processes and systems for industrial parts and products. A systematic approach aligned with process modelling is adopted for understanding the basic principles and mechanisms on which the manufacturing processes are based, and for understanding their capabilities and limitations in terms of functional performance achievable for manufactured products, and in terms of production requirements and constraints. Process modelling will be aimed at predicting the influence of process parameters on the resulting outcomes. The course content will be sufficiently analytical for an elementary university course and adequately descriptive for students that have no specific prior knowledge relating to manufacturing processes. The course will consist of lectures and tutorials where exercises will be completed together with the lecturer and discussion of industrial applications will take place.

Full programme

Please refer to the web page of the two modules


Slides used throughout the course will be available to students in PDF format via the Elly online platform, together with all teaching material and practical exercises covered during lessons. To download this material, students must log on to Elly and register for
Further to material provided within the course, students can expand upon covered topics by studying from the following texts (in Italian):
Design Module:
1. M. Carfagni, R. Furferi, L. Governi, Y. Volpe - Esercizi di disegno meccanico. Zanichelli
2. Manfè, Pozza, Scarato. Disegno meccanico. (3 volumi), Principato.
3. Caligaris, Fava, Tomasello, "Dal progetto al prodotto", (3 volumi), Paravia
Technology Module:
1. Marco Santochi, Francesco Giusti, Tecnologia meccanica e studi di fabbricazione, (2000) seconda edizione, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
2. Carlo Gaggia, Sergio Gaggia, Tecnologia meccanica vol. 3, (1982), Zanichelli.
3. Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R. Schmid, Tecnologia Meccanica, (2008) quinta edizione, Pearson Ed.

Teaching methods

For the Design module:
The course is assigned 6 CFU for a total of 48 hours, with 2 hours/week assigned to lessons and 2 hours/week to tutorials. Themes covered in the course will be presented during lessons, both from a theoretical point of view and through practical examples. Refinement of the presented topics will be provided during subsequent tutorials, where students will resolve practical exercises.

For the Technology module:
The course is assigned 6 CFU for a total of 48 hours, with 42 hours assigned to lessons and 6 hours to workshop tutorials. Lessons are distributed over the follow principle themes to provide the knowledge conveyed during course:
- Tolerances and metrology: 6 hours
- Fundamentals of mechanics and materials: 8 hours
- Foundry: 8 hours
- Forming processes: 8 hours
- Machining: 12 hours
Lessons will follow the chronology necessary for execution of operations exactly as they would be performed in a real production cycle. This practical approach has the function of providing guidelines for exam preparation to focus study on creating the abilities necessary for achieving the educational objectives.
Tutorials will provide supporting material for lessons through practical experience, viewing and direct participation, so that students can develop the abilities to be verified during exams. To fully understand material covered in tutorials, students must attend lessons or independently study the course supporting material (slides and textbook).

Assessment methods and criteria

Common rules for both modules of the course:
- The exam in its entirety consists of a written assessment comprising both modules of the Design and Manufacturing Technology course and an optional oral exam comprising one or both modules.
- The two modules of the Design and Manufacturing Technology course are not separable.
- The written and oral exams are not separable and therefore must be undertaken in the same round.
- To pass the written exam, a minimum grade of 16/30 is required in both modules.
- There will be no mid-term assessments.
- All students that do not achieve a pass grade can view their marked exam through appointment with the course coordinator.

Specific rules for the two modules:
Design Module:
The written exam is 2 hours in length and comprises two tasks:
- Task 1: preparation of a technical drawing of two components based on a small assembly drawing. Further to simple graphical representation with orthogonal projections, it is necessary to indicate dimensions, surface finish and tolerances necessary for complete component functionality.
- Task 2: response to a question relating to part of the theory covered during the course.

Written exams are assigned grades from 0 to 30, with the two tasks weighted 24/30 and 6/30, respectively (tasks 1 and 2).

The oral exam, which will begin with a discussion of the written exam, aims to verify the candidate’s ability to discuss and reason in relation to any of the themes addressed during the course. The maximum variation in grade with respect to the written exam is +/- 3 points.

Technology Module:
The written exam is 2 hours in length and comprises:
- 10 short answer or multiple choice questions worth a total of 15 points.
- One calculation and/or technical/practical exercise worth a total of 15 points aimed at verifying the candidate’s aptitude in determining quantitative results for the posed question.

The oral exam, which will begin with a discussion of the written exam, aims to verify the candidate’s ability to discuss and reason in relation to any of the themes addressed during the course and, where required, to provide an appropriate graphical representation. The maximum variation in grade with respect to the written exam is +/- 3 points.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905111

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Lucia Orlandini
T.+39 0521 906542
Office E.
Manager E.


President of the degree course

Barbara Bigliardi

Faculty advisor

Fabrizio Moroni

Career guidance delegate

Fabrizio Moroni

Tutor professor

Fabrizio Moroni