cod. 1005841

Academic year 2023/24
3° year of course - Annual
Vinicio MANZI
Academic discipline
Geologia stratigrafica e sedimentologica (GEO/02)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
120 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to prepare students on the geological mapping based on outcrop and subsurface data drawing geological maps and sections.


good knowledge of the following subjects are warmly recommended:
- topography (use of topographic maps)
- geomorphology
- mineralogy and petrography (for hand-samples rocks recognition)
- stratigraphy
- structural geology
- tectonic

to access the final exam of Geological Mapping it is necessary to have already passed the following exams:
- Geological Sciences;
- Physical Geography Cartography and GIS

Course unit content

Main goals of the course:
• The geological maps
• Tools for the geological mapping of soils and their use.
• Planning of the geological mapping.
• Airphotogrammetry in the geological mapping.
• Mapping of geological surfaces.
• Interpolation and extrapolation of geological surfaces.
• Stratimetry.
• Contour of geological surfaces, construction of contour maps (contour
map) and isobaths
• Contour of volumes of geological units, construction of isopachs
• Day and multi-days fiels-trips on sedimentary successions.
• Laboratories for surface geological mapping and elaboration of a simple
geological map relative to assigned area.
• Integration of the outcrop and subsurface data.
• Basic use of informatic programs useful for geological mapping

Full programme

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The complete program of the class can be found in the documents given by the teacher to the students.
Here below are some text used for the lessons and for the exercises.

BARNES J. 1995 – Basic Geological mapping. Wiley & Sons.
BENNISON G.M. 1985. An introduction to geological Structures and Maps.Edward Arnold
BENNISON G.M., MOSELEY K.A: 2003 - Geological structure & maps. 7th edition Hodder Arnold
COMPTON R. 1985 - Geology in the field. Wiley & Sons.
COE A.L., ARGLES T.W., ROTHERY D.A., SPICER A.R., 2010. Geological field techniques. Wiley-Blackwell
CREMONINI G. 1994 - Rilevamento geologico. Pitagora Editore, Bologna.
LISLE J.R., 2004. Geological structures and maps. A practical guide.Elsevier.
McCLAY K.R. 1991 - The mapping of Geological Structures. Open University Press.
SIMPSON B. 2002 - Lettura delle carte geologiche. Ediz. italiana a cura di Cusimano e Di Stefano. Flaccovio Editore, Palermo.

Teaching methods

Lectures, classroom exercises and field-trips

Assessment methods and criteria

the final evaluation includes three steps:

- ongoing tests during the 1st and 2nd semester
- final written test (official exam); mandatory to enter the oral exam

PRACTICE (individual and group activity on the field)
- realisation of lithological columns and stratigraphic correlations
- realisation of geological sections
- creation of a geological map with explanatory notes; ; mandatory to enter the oral exam

- discussion of the results of the written test
- analysis of the field book
- questions about the course program

The student must obtain a positive evaluation in each step.
The final score is calculated by the average of the three evaluation.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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