cod. 1007982

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Economia e gestione delle imprese (SECS-P/08)
Type of training activity
35 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: BRAND MANAGEMENT

Learning objectives

a. Knowledge and understanding (knowledge and understanding)
The course aims to make known the business models that have established themselves in the field of design and fashion in Italy. It is therefore a matter of learning the designers' design logic also thanks to the in-depth study of business cases. In particular, students will be provided with knowledge that will allow them to: become familiar with the structural economic characteristics and competitive conduct typical of the "design industry"; acquire an interdisciplinary approach to be able to "dialogue" effectively with designers; learn the logic of managing collaboration with external designers effectively; understand the relationships between design, branding and distribution channels.
b. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding (applying knowledge and understanding)
At the end of the course the students will be able to apply the design management tools also in small and medium enterprises, to develop a marketing plan and a multimedia communication campaign for the launch of a new design product, to analyze the effectiveness of the marketing, distribution and sales policies in design driven companies.
c. Making judgments (making judgments)
The autonomy of judgment will be developed through the study of business cases and with an active teaching approach. The possibility of comparison with the company witnesses (entrepreneurs and managers) and with witnesses active in the professional world (designers and consultants) will further develop autonomy of judgment and will also be a moment of verification of the maturity and degree of autonomy achieved by the students. The planned balance between individual study phases and moments of collegial comparison can contribute to the growth of skills and the development of decision-making autonomy of the participants.
d. Communication skills
The active teaching methodology allows students to improve interpersonal communication skills, and to become familiar with new technological solutions. The organization of presentation of business cases by students also constitutes a phase of verification of the ability to communicate effectively.
is. Learning skills (learning skills)
The use of different teaching methods and the attention that will be given to the verification of the learning path during the course itself, the testimonies, the use of video, the stimulus to active participation and the development of solutions, the most possible customized, they should improve the learning skills of the students.


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Course unit content

The aim of the course is to clarify the most significant specificities of marketing in the fields of fashion and design. The economic and entrepreneurial path of Italian design and fashion companies has elements of uniqueness that require an in-depth knowledge of the economic history of the sectors. The educational path is based on the study of design driven companies and is aimed at clarifying the marketing strategies adopted.
The course also aims to train new professionals with a high degree of specialization with sectoral marketing skills necessary to ensure the competitiveness of Made in Italy design. The didactic activity, result of an intense research activity, will also make use of qualified company testimonies.
The course aims to present and clarify the specifics of business models that have established themselves in the design and fashion sector in Italy.

Full programme

The economic and social mining of fashion and design
The specificities of the concepts of design, fashion, style and luxury
The history of Italian fashion and design
Companies that have contributed to changing the competitive paradigms in the fashion and design sector
The economic purpose of design and aesthetic innovation
The evolutionary phases of design in Europe and the United States
The entrepreneurial ecosystem of Italian design and the success of Milan in fashion and design in Italy
Design Thinking and the method developed by IDEO
The design-driven innovation model
The digital fashion revolution and the digital revolution in design
The future scenarios of Italian fashion and design
The new areas of application of design


Edoardo Sabbadin, L'innovazione tra marketing e arte, G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2018.
Romano Cappellari, Marketing della moda e dei prodotti lifestyle, Collana Le bussole Carocci, 2018
Teacher slide on Elly

Teaching methods

Acquisition of knowledge: lectures made dynamic even by watching movies.
Acquisition of judgments: during the course the students will be stimulated to identify the merits and defects of the proposed models.
Acquisition of learning skills: for each topic we will start from the illustration of the problem to be solved and we will critically analyze the solutions adopted.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam will be carried out orally with questions concerning models, cases, testimonies and tools presented and discussed during the course. We want to evaluate both the application skills of the knowledge learned during the course and to verify the learning of analytical and managerial knowledge and their correct understanding.
The student will have to demonstrate that he has understood, and be able to apply, the basic concepts of
each topic discussed.

Other information


In order to take advantage of the distance lessons, students must use Teams, in the class dedicated to the course, in streaming (synchronous) or recorded (asynchronous) mode according to the schedule of lessons indicated below. The alternation of streaming and recorded lessons will allow students to maintain a relationship with the teacher. To complete the program, a further seven hours of lessons will be set for asynchronous viewing of videos, testimonies and presentations of business cases. These activities will be reported to students during the lessons in streaming one week in advance of the date on which they will be made available online. The supporting didactic material (slides or readings) will be published on the Elly page of the course. The detailed schedule of lessons in the academic year 2020/2021 is as follows
1. October 28th from 2pm to 4pm Synchronous
2. 29 October from 4 to 6 pm Asynchronous
3. November 4th from 2pm to 4pm Asynchronous
4. 5th November from 4 to 6 pm Synchronous
5. November 11th from 2pm to 4pm Asynchronous
6. 12 November from 4 to 6 pm Synchronous
7. November 18th from 2pm to 4pm Asynchronous
8. 19th November from 4 to 6 pm Synchronous
9. 25th November from 2pm to 4pm Asynchronous
10. November 26th from 4 to 6 pm Synchronous
11. 2nd December from 2pm to 4pm Asynchronous
12. 3 December from 4 to 6 pm Synchronous
13. 9 December from 2pm to 4pm Asynchronous
14. 10 December from 4 to 6 pm Synchronous

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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