cod. 1009111

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Geografia fisica e geomorfologia (GEO/04)
Discipline geomorfologiche e geologiche applicative
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge of geomorphological hazards and risks in the different morphoclimatic systems, recent climate-related dynamics. Geomorphological risk and its mitigation, recent climate and anthropogenic pressure. Climate changes in the Quaternary and in the Anthropocene.


Having passed an exam of Geomorphology in the BSc

Course unit content

The course treats the geomorphological hazards in the different morphoclimatic systems, placing them in the context of the climatic changes of the Quaternary and of the more recent one, of the Anthropocene. The geomorphological risk in relation to the anthropic presence and the related cartography is also studied.

Full programme

Recall to the basic concepts of Geomorphology, processes and landforms in the environment. Geomorphological hazard and risk related to surface processes, the instability of the slopes, in the fluvial environment, in the coastal, karst environment, in the glacial, periglacial and desert morphoclimatic environments; risk and its components, risk mitigation. Natural proxy analysis techniques for the evaluation of the geomorphological instability. Cartography for the evaluation of geomorphological hazard: map of geomorphological dynamics, integrated analysis map, summary map of geomorphological hazard. Geomorphological hazards in relation to climate changes in the Quaternary and in the Anthropocene: evidence of climate and environmental changes, reconstruction methods using proxy indicators. Causes of climate and environmental changes in the Quaternary and in the Anthropocene. Global climate and effect of glaciations on glacial, periglacial, fluvial and coastal morphoclimatic systems. Consequences of climate change on hazard, climate and extreme weather-climatic events in the mountain, plains and coastal environment in relation to anthropogenic presence.


Panizza M., “Manuale di Geomorfologia applicata”, Franco Angeli, 2005

Gisotti G. “Il dissesto idrogeologico”, Serie Scienze e Tecnica, Flaccovio Ed., 2012.

Marchetti M.- “Geomorfologia fluviale”, Pitagora Ed., 2000.

Bell & Walker. "Late Quaternary environmental change", Routledge, 2005

Teaching methods

Class lectures and practical activities/didactical field activities, credits, for a total of 60 hours
The slides used to support the lessons are uploaded on a weekly basis on the Elly platform. To download the slides, you need to register for the online course. All lessons are also recorded on the Teams platform and can be viewed deferred, if necessary, within about one month from the delivery of the lesson.
The slides are considered an integral part of the teaching material, and are to be used to integrate the information received during the course with the necessary insights to be done individually on the indicated textbooks. Non-attending students are reminded to check the didactic material available and the information provided by the teacher through the Elly platform.

The practical activities/didactical field excrusions are part of the course

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam takes place through an oral interview. Four questions of [7/30] each will be asked, for a typical duration of around 30-40 minutes.
The first question is about the presentation of a research paper. The common work for the practical activities is evaluated with [3/30]. Reaching a total of 31/30 corresponds to the [30L] grade.
If a question is completely unanswered or completely wrong, the maximum mark achievable in the exam will be [21/30], the 3 grades for the practical activity possibly included.
The grade of the oral exam is communicated immediately at the end of the exam itself

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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