cod. 1008041

Academic year 2020/21
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi (SPS/08)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

1) Knowledge and understanding:
students must have acquired the fundamental knowledge on the main characteristics of the Web as a space / environment of relationship with new social and relational problems. Particularly students must have acquired the
fundamental knowledge concerning the socio-relational problems of the Web society.

2) Applying knowledge and understanding:
students will have
acquired the analytical skills to discuss clearly and comprehensively the possible proposals and reflections about the themes and the problems of the Web society.

3) Making judgements:
at the end of the course students will have acquired the ability to
critically interpret the main events and issues of the Web society with particoular attention to the forms of digital media violence.

4) Communication skills:
students must have acquired the mastery of the terminology concerning the topics dealt with in teaching;
students will be able to communicate their own comments and ideas on the issues analyzed in the lessons to various
interlocutors effectively and appropriately.

5) Learning skills: students will have acquired those bibliographic and
linguistic-lexical tools to develop a critical reflection on the problems of the Web society.



Course unit content

The course aims to explain the characteristics of the Web as a new space/environment of the human relationship and to expound some
of the major social and communication problems of the social impact of digital media on human relationship.
The course aims to explain the opportunities but also the risks and social criticalities of the new forms of abuse and violence perpetrated through the social network.
(Cyberbullying, Sexting, Body-shaming, Revenge Porn, Hikikomori ecc.).

Full programme

- The characteristics of the WEB as a new space of human relationship and communication.

- The empathic relationship mediated by digital devices of communication.

- The Web as an environment for the exchange of opinions, emotions and information.

- The Fake News.

- Human behavior
in the Web.

- Listening and care in the digital age.

- The forms of violence in the Web: Cyberbullying, Pull a Pig,
Revenge Porn.

- Analysis of news with protagonist violence in the Web.


Books for attending students who follow the lessons in streaming and non-attending students:

- F. Pagnotta (a cura di), Ecologia della Rete, Erickson, Trento, 2018.

- A. Pellai - E. Papuzza, Cyber Generation, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2019. (Chapters to study 3; 4; 6; 7; 8; 9; optional to read 1; 2; 5).

Recommended elective reading (not mandatory):

- F. Folgheraiter, Saggi di Welfare, Erickson, Trento, 2015.

- G. Riva, Selfie, il Mulino, Bologna, 2016.

- S. Bonino, Amori molesti, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2015.

Teaching methods

The teaching activities will be conducted through the method of the frontal lesson /presentation and the method of the lesson Heuristic/ Socratic; a sequential type of expositive teaching (with steps of knowledge) will be alternated with a hypothetical or heuristic teaching based on questions/ stimulus. This mode of teaching aims to promote in the students the autonomous research of meaning on the topics of the frontal lessons. With the use of the Simulation/Role playing and Cooperative Learning methods, we will try to involve the students actively in the construction of the lesson.

Assessment methods and criteria

For attending students who follow the lessons in streaming, oral interview with questions mainly about the topics covered in class and some about the reference books provided.

For not-attending students, oral interview with specific questions about the reference books provided.

Other information

All students are advised to register on the page dedicated to teaching on the Elly platform.

For attending students who follow the lessons in streaming, summary teaching materials will be uploaded on the page dedicated to teaching on the Elly platform.