Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to introduce various aspects related to the foundations of Artificial Intelligence.
With reference to Dublin indicators:
Knowledge and understanding
During the course, the main ideas related to Artificial Intelligence are introduced. Students are encouraged to study and elaborate on the topics discussed during the course.
Applying knowledge and understanding
Acquired theoretical knowledge is applied to solve specific problems. During the course, some exercise sessions are dedicated to the solutions of specific problems.
Making judgments
Exercises proposed during classes can be solved individually or in groups, and they often can be solved in different ways. Students can compare their approach to the solutions proposed by other students and to the solutions shown during classes. Such comparisons enhance the development of specific skills that are useful to better understand the considered problems.
Communication skills
Discussions during classes allow students to improve their communications skills. Such discussions concern specific techniques to solve proposed problems and they focus on advantages and disadvantages of the proposed approaches. Students learn to work individually and in groups.
Learning skills
The study of different aspects related to Artificial Intelligence and its applications helps students to improve in-depth comprehension of the topics. Acquired knowledge can be adapted to solve specific problems that may be different from those discussed during classes. Students acquire useful techniques to work in groups and autonomously.