cod. 1006034

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - First semester
Alberto GUENZI
Academic discipline
Storia economica (SECS-P/12)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The student will:
- learn about the origins of promotion as a marketing tool, beginning with those experienced in the USA during the 20th century;
- understand the crucial role of promotions as element around which a broad range of market relations (manufacturer/consumer, manufacturer/retailer, etc.) are built and strengthened;
- interpret short promotions from the point of view of corporate communication;
- take into analysis the complex planning of short promotions;
- measure the operation’s outcome on the market;
- evaluate the operation’s impact on the business performance of the manufacturer and the retailer.


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Course unit content

The Laboratory, made of 4 different but integrated cycles of sub-laboratories, takes into analysis short promotion schemes in large scale distribution. These are structured as follows:
(i) the origins of premium promotion plans with particular reference to the USA;
(ii) the role of promotions in the framework of marketing operations in Italy;
(iii) type of short promotions in Italy since 2000;
(iv) short promotion planning as experienced by an agency operating in the loyalty sector.
The cycles will be held by university professors and managers specialized in the analysis and planning of promotional activities.

Full programme

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The readings, selected by the students, will be provided in the classroom.

Teaching methods

The teaching will be structured in work-sessions to which experts coming from universities, specialized press, and firms of the promotion sector will take active part. Lectures will be integrated by the discussion of specific case-studies.

Assessment methods and criteria

During the Laboratory each student will be assigned a topic to develop through a group-work. The outcomes of this work will be put forward in a group-paper in which each individual contribution should be clearly visible. At the end of the Laboratory an overall mark will be assigned. A maximum of 10 marks will be assigned in relation to the group-paper, a maximum of 10 marks will be assigned in relation to the individual contribution to the group-paper, a maximum of 10 marks will be assigned in relation to the degree of participation showed during the Laboratory activities. By analyzing the contents of the group-paper, the individual contribution to the group-paper, and the degree of participation showed during the Laboratory activities it will be possible to verify: (a) knowledge and understanding (b) the ability in applying knowledge and understanding, (c) the learning skills and the ability in making judgments, (d) the communication skills and the ability in using the proper technical language.

Other information

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