Learning objectives
Provide essential expertise for understand the mechanisms by which exercise plays a pivital role in promoting health and how it represents an instrument of great effectiveness in the prevention (primary and tertiary) and treatment of major chronic degenerative diseases. Contextualize the phenomenon of doping in terms of protecting the health of athletes.
Provide knowledge about cardiac diseases and the risk factors for these diseases. Causes of sudden death in athletes
Basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry
Course unit content
Anatomical and functional effects induced by physical activity.
Favorable and the negative effects of exercise in both healthy subjects and in major chronic degenerative diseases (cardiovascular diseases, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, cancer, aging).
Sport therapy: type, intensity, duration and frequency in the each clinical situations.
Main contraindications to competitive sport.
General concepts on the principles of nutrition, hydration and integration in the sport and the effects of work in adverse environmental conditions.
Cardiovascular physiology.
Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.
Arterial Hypertension.
Cardiovascular stratification for cardiovascular risk. Primary prevention with physical exercise.
Cardiac diseases: coronary artery disease, primary cardiomyopathies, hypertensive heart disease.
Cardiac adaptations to physical exercise: Athlete's heart.
Sudden Death in athletes.
Diagnostic tests in cardiology: exercise stress test, echocardiography, cardiac MNR, computed tomography, cardiac catheterization and coronary angiography.
Full programme
Doping: history of doping, the list of prohibited substances, the national legislation and international law, penalties, control procedures, the quality standards of accredited laboratories, the expected effects and adverse effects in the short and long-term of the drugs used, the analytical techniques used in doping control, the variables that affect the reliability of the results. The phenomenon of doping and other related issues in the current socio-cultural context.
Favorable and the negative effects of exercise in both healthy subjects and in major chronic degenerative diseases (cardiovascular diseases, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, cancer, aging).
Anatomical and functional effects induced by physical activity.
Sport therapy: type, intensity, duration and frequency in the each clinical situations
Main contraindications to competitive sport.
General concepts on the principles of nutrition, hydration and integration in the sport and the effects of work in adverse environmental conditions.
Cardiovascular physiology. Hemodynamic parameters. The heart murmurs.
Heart diseases: ischemic heart disease, cardiomyopathies, valvular heart disease.
Diagnostic tests in Cardiology (ECG, etc.).
Cardiovascular risk factors: smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes. Stratification of risk. European and Italian risk cards.
Arterial hypertension: classification of risk in hypertensive patient.
Primary Cardiovascular Prevention: Effects of Physical Exercise.
Pharmacological interventions for the treatment of hypertension, dyslipidaemia, diabetes
Cardiovascular Adaptation to physical Exercise: Physiological and pathological cardiac hypertrophy.
Sudden death in the athlete.
Arrhythmias: Brugada syndrome, ventricular pre-excitation, long QT
1. Appunti forniti dal docente
2. A. Bonetti. Argomenti di Medicina dello sport. Editore MUP
3. P. Zeppilli, V. Palmieri. Manuale di Medicina dello Sport e Pronto Soccorso. Ed. CESI.
4. Protocolli cardiologici per il giudizio di idoneità allo sport agonistico. Ed. CESI
5. D.R. Mottram: Farmaci e Sport. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
6. C. Macchi, R. Molino Lova, F. Cecchi. Attività motoria, fitness e salute nell'adulto e nell'anziano. NME e SEE Ed. Firenze 2007.
7. Lista WADA
Teaching methods
The course will be held through lectures to Students either in the classroom (“in presenza”) or in synchronous-streaming (“in telepresenza”) on the Teams platform. Therefore, the opportunity of Student/Teacher interaction will be preserved both face to face and remotely, by the simultaneous use of the Teams platform.
Lectures will be supported by slide presentations, which will be available to students on the Elly platform (https://elly2020.medicina.unipr.it/).
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination.
In case of the persistence of the health emergency, the exams will be conducted remotely, as follows:
remote oral questions, through the Teams platform (guide http://selma.unipr.it/).
Students with SLD / BSE must first contact Le Eli-che: support for students with disabilities, D.S.A., B.E.S. (https://sea.unipr.it/it/servizi/le-eli-che-supporto-studenti-con-disabilita-dsa-bes)
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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