cod. 1007397

Academic year 2021/22
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Anatomia patologica (MED/08)
Scienze medico-chirurgiche
Type of training activity
14 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY II

Learning objectives

This course will be mainly focused on the morphologic and molecular techniques applied to the study of pathologic cells and tissues, crucial to provide the pathologist with the best-quality cyto-histologic samples, equipped with all the additional informations necessary to reach the most accurate diagnosis for lesions of genital tract in woman, gastro-intestinal tract, breast pathology, uro-genital tract in male.
Moreover, the students will also acquire:
- autoptic principles and techniques for fetal and neonatal pathology


Knowledge of the basis of histology and having passed all the first and second year's exams.

Course unit content

Daignostic techniques used in Pathology Unity for lesions of genital system, urinary system, of gastro-intestinal system, and breast.
Daignostic techniques used for study of fetal neonatal and placental pathology

Full programme

Handling of histologic samples: acceptance, gross examination, sampling for the study of of genital tract in woman, gastro-intestinal tract, breast pathology, uro-genital tract in male.
Cytologic study for lesions of of genital tract in woman, gastro-intestinal tract, breast pathology, uro-genital tract in male.


AA.VV. Anatomia Patologica: le basi. A cura di L. Ruco, A. Scarpa. UTET Scienze Mediche, Torino, 2007
M.R. Cardillo. Nozioni di tecniche diagnostiche di Anatomia Patologica. Antonio Delfino Editore, 2009
Rubin E., Reisner H.M. "Rubin L'essenziale", Vol. II – Anatomia Patologica, Piccin Nuova Libraria, Padova, 2015
Files in formato PDF delle diapositive di Power Point proiettate in aula, pubblicati online sul sito

Teaching methods

The course will be based on frontal teaching: attendance to at least 70% of the classes will be mandatory.
Lectures will be held on-site in compliance with safety standards, provided that further instructions on the ongoing health emergency are not implemented. Supporting material will be available on the specific, student-reserved platform (Elly) and will include slide presentations, audio-video aids or video-recording of the lectures.

Assessment methods and criteria

Achievement of learning outcomes will be verified by means of a final oral exam, whose score will be expressed in thirtieth; the minimal threshold to pass the exam will be 18/30, the best mark will be represented by 30/30 “cum laude”. By means of a series of questions touching a wide variety of topics treated during the course, the global level of knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and practical subjects, as well as the ability to logically think and connect related topics, will be verified.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti

E. [email segreteria @unipr] (modificare link a email)
T. +39 0521 000000

Servizio per la qualità della didattica

Manager della didattica:
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T. +39 0521 000000
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Presidente del corso di studio

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Delegato orientamento in ingresso

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Delegato orientamento in uscita

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Docenti tutor

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Delegati Erasmus

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Tirocini formativi

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Studenti tutor

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