cod. PC1005102

Academic year 2021/22
3° year of course - Second semester
- Nadia FERMI
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche generali, cliniche e pediatriche (MED/45)
Tirocinio differenziato per specifico profilo
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: 3 YEAR TRAINEESHIP

Learning objectives

The student must be able to acquire the knowledge and develop the skills related to the clinical-care procedures foreseen in the experience of clinical internship of the 3rd year of the course. it must also acquire the ability to operate within a multidisciplinary team aimed at solving patient health problems through the application and use of clinical reasoning and critical thinking.
The student must know the various communication styles and assertive techniques that allow to manage complex problems or conflicting situations that can arise in interpersonal relationships.


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Course unit content

Territorial emergency legislation
System 118 Emilia Romagna Region
Management of the polytraumatized
Approach to the ICU patient
Intubation and ventilation
Invasive hemodynamic monitoring
Management and maintenance of airway patency

• The three communication styles: passive, aggressive and assertive.
• Non-verbal skills.
• Verbal (conversation and protective) skills.
• Expressing feelings: -positive (making and receiving compliments) -negative (making and receiving criticism)
• Self esteem

Full programme

- The legislation of the territorial emergency; system 118 Emilia Romagna region: vehicles and figures involved, call methods
- Concepts of emergency / urgency
- BLS-D course: theory and practice
- Endo-tracheal intubation and related management of the patient with a ventilatory prosthesis. Nursing responsibility in the prevention and management of complications
- Management of the patient with tracheostomy and ventilatory prosthesis. Nursing responsibility in the prevention and management of complications
- Tracheo-bronchoaspiration. Nursing responsibility in the prevention and management of complications
- Invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation. Nursing responsibility for the management of the artificially ventilated patient. Prevention and management of complications
- Arterial cannulation, bloody pressure monitoring. Catheter management and complication prevention
- Hemodynamic monitoring
- ICA infections
- Airway management
- Care planning of the polytraumatized patient
- Nursing assistance in a freelance regime
- Nursing care in prison and penitentiary medicine
- Preparation meeting for simulation at ASCO (Clinical Organizational Simulation Area)
- Ultrasound laboratory
- Meetings aimed at care planning and clinical reasoning on case studies.
• The three communication styles: passive, aggressive and assertive.
• Non-verbal skills (eye contact, facial expression, gestures, posture, distance and orientation, tone and volume of the voice, body contact, timing ...)
• Verbal conversation skills: open and closed questions, free information, self-opening; verbal protective abilities: fogging, broken disc, negative investigation, negative assertion, disarmament of aggression selective discrimination, achievable compromise.
• Expressing feelings: -positive (making and receiving compliments) -negative (making and receiving criticism)
• Self-esteem (definition and techniques to increase it)


• Social competence training. Doc. Nr. 5681 - version 1 of 10/14/2015 by Tiziana Bolis.
Social competence group management manual. AUSL of Ferrara, U.O. C.S.M. in collaboration with University of Ferrara.
Am I okay? Self-esteem and assertiveness. Michele Giannantonio.
• Improve your self-esteem. The secrets to feel good about yourself and others. Maria Cristina Strocchi.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons with the use of audiovisual aids, classroom simulations, role playng

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam through multiple choice quizzes and structured objective clinical exam (OSCE)

Other information

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