cod. AZ08797

Academic year 2020/21
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Malattie del sangue (MED/15)
Interdisciplinari e cliniche
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: MEDICAL CLINIC

Learning objectives

1) Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of hematopoetic system
2) CBC count
3) Knowledge of ethology of haematological malignancies (genetics, exposure to toxic agents, role of environment)
4) ability to write down a report and to give an oral presentation


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Course unit content

Teching program:
1) Normal hematopoiesis
2) Hematological malignancies an introduction
3) Pathogenesis of haematological malignancies: risk factors, genetics, environmental exposure
4) Elements of diagnosis in Hematology
5) Side effects of therapy
6) Immunocompromised patiens
7) Emergency in Hematology
8) Element of transfusion medicine

Full programme

1) Normal hematopoiesis
2) CBC count and bone marrow smear
3) Haematological malignancies an introduction
4) Anemia
5) Leukemia
6) Lymphoma
7) Immunocompromised patient
8) Emergency in Hematology
9) Elementi di bone marrow transplant


-Gianluigi Castoldi e Vincenzo Liso. Malattie del sangue e degli organi ematopoietici 6/ed
-Gianluigi Castoldi e Vincenzo Liso. Core Curriculum Ematologia
-Review from New England Journal of Medicine or Blood

Teaching methods

Formal lesson
General topics discussion

The course will be held through lectures to Students either in the classroom (“in presenza”) or in synchronous-streaming (“in telepresenza”) on the Teams platform. Therefore, the opportunity of Student/Teacher interaction will be preserved both face to face and remotely, by the simultaneous use of the Teams platform.
Lectures will be supported by slide presentations, which will be available to students on the Elly platform (https://elly2020.medicina.unipr.it/).

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral discussion

In case of the persistence of the health emergency, the exams will be conducted remotely, as follows:
remote oral questions, through the Teams platform (guide http://selma.unipr.it/).
Students with SLD / BSE must first contact Le Eli-che: support for students with disabilities, D.S.A., B.E.S. (https://sea.unipr.it/it/servizi/le-eli-che-supporto-studenti-con-disabilita-dsa-bes)

Other information

Part of teaching material s will be available to students

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.medicina@unipr.it 
T. +39 0521 033700

Quality assurance office

Manager della didattica:
Sandra Cavalca

T. +39 0521 034908
E.  didattica.dimec@unipr.it 
E. sandra.cavalca@unipr.it

President of the degree course

Prof.ssa Elena Giovanna Bignami
E. elenagiovanna.bignami@unipr.it

Director of Professionalising Teaching Activities (DADP)

Teaching site Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Parma
Dott.ssa Rachele La Sala 
E. rlasala@ao.pr.it

Teaching site Azienda USL di Parma
Dott.ssa Lucia Gotri 
E. lugotri@ausl.pr.it

Teaching site Azienda USL di Piacenza
Dott.ssa Cinzia Merlini 
E. cmerlini@ausl.pc.it


Faculty advisor

Prof. Luca Ampollini
E. luca.ampollini@unipr.it 

Dott.ssa Cristina Casubolo
E. ccasubolo@ao.pr.it 

Dott.ssa Francesca Costa
E. f.costa@ausl.pc.it 

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Enzo Poli
E. enzo.poli@unipr.it

Dott.ssa Cristina Casubolo
E. ccasubolo@ao.pr.it 

Erasmus delegate

Prof. Roberto Sala
E. roberto.sala@unipr.it

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Nicoletta Ronda
E. nicoletta.ronda@unipr.it

Internationalization delegate

Dott. Sandrino Marra
E. smarra@ao.pr.it