cod. 1007152

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Didattica e storia della fisica (FIS/08)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

Discover the specificity of the teaching of physics. Use the curiosity to teach physics. Integration between spontaneous observation, guided observation, experimentation and theory. Physics as formalized observation of nature.

At the end of the course, the student must achieve the skills
- to develop, independently a learning unit on subjects treated during the course;
- to propose and carry out simple experiments on a specific topic;
- to analyze the results obtained from an experiment to obtain physic models of the problem under examination.

The student must also achieve the following communication skills:
- to present clearly what was acquired during the course;
- to use specific scientific vocabulary;
- to use computer and / or multimedia tools to communicate effectively and incisively his knowledge.

The student must also demonstrate
- to know and be able to use some instruments and laboratory equipments;
- to possess personal skills in logical reasoning and in the critical approach to proposed subjects;
- to be able to gather information independently through the autonomous consultation of specialized books, scientific or divulgative journals, even outside the topics explained during lectures.


Basic knowledge of general physics: Mechanics, Calorimetry and Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism.

Course unit content

The course is compliant with D.M. 616.
Some preliminary theoretical subjects and experimental modalities concerning some specificities of the teaching of physic are provided to the students. Some arguments are taken up again: 1) the laws of dynamics, optics and electromagnetism; 2) the experimental method, the relationship between observations (at different level of detail) and the formulation of laws-models-theories; 3) theory of error analysis, computational methods for the analysis of experimental data and critical discussion of the limits of validity of physical laws.
Most of the course will be devoted to experiments: students are required to participate actively in the planning and execution of some didactic experiments which may also be proposed by themselves.

Full programme

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At the end of each lesson, the teacher gives slides and some lecture notes.
The students have to sign to the course on Elly platform in order to keep all the material. Recommended redings are:
any book on General Physics;
J.R. Taylor, ‘‘Introduzione all’Analisi degli Errori’’, Zanichelli, Bologna;
"L’Inquiry Based Science Education – IBSE nella formazione docenti e nella pratica didattica" di A. Pascucci (INDIRE). Link: http://forum.indire.it/repository_cms/working/export/attachments/ 6644_ver_1.pdf

Teaching methods

Laboratory experiments: from design, through execution to the verification. Between experiences, theoretical lectures with PowerPoint slides will be presented.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral interview based on the discussion of a written report on a learning unit (including experiments) chosen by the student. Weekly discussions on the work done in the laboratory. Each of the two modes contributes with a weight of 70% and 30% respectively to the final evaluation.

Other information

Compulsory weekly frequency at least 70% of lessons.