cod. 1007474

Academic year 2020/21
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
Per la prova finale
Type of training activity
Language/Final test
750 hours
of face-to-face activities
30 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding. During the experimental thesis the knowledge acquired during the different subjects of the study course will be reinforced thanks to the laboratory practice and the daily comparison with the tutor and the research team. The knowledge will be especially reinforced in the disciplines where the student will choose to carry out his internship (organic, inorganic, analytical, industrial or physical chemistry).
In particular the student will acquire:
- advanced knowledge of the analytical methods;
- knowledge of the principles of spectroscopy and its application;
- knowledge of the principles of the separation techniques and their applications;
- knowledge of the synthetic methods for the synthesis of organic, inorganic and/or organometallic compounds;
- knowledge of methods of structural characterisation of organic and inorganic compounds and of materials;
- knowledge of the structure-property correlations for molecules and materials;
- knowledge on the search of chemical information through the use of electronic data-banks;
- knowledge on the problems related to the protection of intellectual properties.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding. The student:
- will be able to understand and predict the relationship between the structure and the properties of complex systems;
- will be able to understand a problem connected to his profession and to carry out a critical investigation on this problem even suggesting possible solutions;
- will be able to use the scientific instrumentation and to elaborate the experimental data, to plan and carry out proper analyses and characterisations of real samples;
- will be able to use computational methods for the elaboration of experimental data;
- will be able to plan and carry out a scientific experiment though individual or team activities;
- will be able to find all the bibliographic and chemical information necessary to plan and carry out the synthesis of material and organic/inorganic/organometallic molecules.

3. Making judgements. The student
- will be able to critically evaluate his knowledge/abilities and his experimental results;
- will be able to interpret experimental observations and to collect and interpret the data resulting from laboratory measurements;
- will be able to plan experimental activities evaluating the time, instrumentations and methods necessary;
- will have organisation skills on his job and abilities to organise the work of a team;
- will be autonomous in making judgements and in the evaluation of the experimental results;
- will be able to adapt his work and competences to different situation and problematics;
- will be able to find and evaluate the chemical information extracted from literature of data-banks;
- will be able to give opinions on important scientific and ethical issues.

4. Communication skills. The student will be able to:
- communicate, in oral or written form, on chemical/scientific problems/issues even with the use of multimedia systems and of the English language;
- will be able to carry out a discussion on the basis of an opinion autonomously elaborated and on issues related to his studies;
- will be able to interact with other people and to work in team even on multidisciplinary projects;
- will be able to carry out teaching and training activities with undergraduated students.

5. Learning skills. The student:
- will be able to easily find chemical information from literature, data-banks and the web;
- will be able to learn autonomously even tackling new scientific and professional problems;
- will be able to continue to independently study solution to complex and even interdisciplinary problems, finding useful information and being able to defend his proposals and opinion in different contexts.


To access this activity, the student should choose the “double title degree” option and should have gained at least 230 Credits, including those of the 1st level degree used to get access to the Laurea Magistrale. The student has to apply to start this activity to the Didactic Committee of the study course. The internship activity takes usually place during the 2nd semester of the 2nd year of course (4th year for part-time students). The students that do not acquire the proper number of credits by that term can postpone the activity.

Course unit content

The activity of the experimental thesis will be carried out in one of the research groups of the hosting University that subscribed the convention for the obtainment of the double title. The student interested has to apply by the Didactic Commission. These activities will be carried out under the guidance of a tutor of the hosting institution (external tutor) and of a professor (internal tutor) of the local Department designed by the Didactic Committee. The experimental thesis requires at least 6 months of activities.

Full programme

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Teaching methods

The activity is carried out under the daily guidance of a professor/researcher designed by the Didactic Committee and consists of a theoretical/experimental work to be carry out in a research laboratory of the hosting institution. Following the experimental work, a detailed written report in English should be completed and a multimedia presentation should be also prepared to be discussed and defended during the Laurea seminar and examination.

Assessment methods and criteria

At the end of the thesis work, the Tutor has to produce a motivated report on the student practical activity to the Didactic Committee. On the basis of this report, the activity will be recorded online. The internal tutor, together with the external one, will verify that the student has completed the time commitment and reached the learning targets scheduled for the thesis activity.

Other information

The exact procedures and rules of the thesis activity and of the final exam with the corresponding evaluation criteria are described in details in the corresponding guidelines available on the study course web page.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.scienze@unipr.it
T. +39 0521 905116

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Nicola Cavirani

T. +39 0521 905613 -  +39 0521 906148
Service E. didattica.scvsa@unipr.it
Manager's E. nicola.cavirani@unipr.it

Course President

Enrico Cavalli
E. enrico.cavalli@unipr.it

Faculty advisor

Francesco Sansone
E. francesco.sansone@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate

Federica Bianchi
E. federica.bianchi@unipr.it

Erasmus delegates

Giorgio Pelosi
E. giorgio.pelosi@unipr.it
Andrea Secchi
E. andrea.secchi@unipr.it

Quality assurance manager

Daniele Alessandro Cauzzi
E. danielealessandro.cauzzi@unipr.it


Andrea Secchi
E. andrea.secchi@unipr.it