cod. 23314

Academic year 2021/22
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Paleontologia e paleoecologia (GEO/01)
Ambito geologico-paleontologico
Type of training activity
55 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

By the end of the course the student is expected to know and understand the principles of the classical Micropaleontology and its more recent applications within Earth Sciences. Specifically, the student should be able to: 1) know and understand the general features of the microfossil
groups; 2) know and understand the applications of the microfossil groups within the stratigraphic, paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic
reconstructions of sedimentary successions; 3) apply the knowledge of the basic principles of taxonomic classification through microscope


Knowledge of Paleontology

Course unit content

Concepts of Micropaleontology, main microfossil groups and their applications in Geosciences

Full programme

Introduction to Micropaleontology
Biostratigraphy (principles and methods of biostratigraphic analysis) and relationships with Stratigraphy, Chronostratigraphy and Geochronology
Surficial and deep oceanic circulation and marine sediments
General features and applications of the following groups of microfossils:
- calcareous microfossils: Nannofossils, Foraminifera and Ostracods;
- siliceous microfossils: Diatoms, Silicoflagellates, Radiolaria;
- organic wall microfossils: Dinoflagellates;
- other groups: Acritarchs, Conondonts, Calpionellids and Tintinnids
Practicals dealing with analysis of stratigraphic sections, sampling methods, biostratigraphic interpretations, methods of sample preparation for the micropaleontological analysis of foraminiferal and nannofossil assemblages (in laboratory) and principles of taxonomic classification of foraminifera (microscope)


Material used in the lectures (slides, scientific papers)
Armstrong H.A. & Brasier M.D. 2005. Microfossils. Blackwell. Publishing

Teaching methods

Frontal lectures using multimedial tools in classroom (slides and audio/video material will be uploaded on Elly) and practical lessons in laboratory and at microscope.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final evaluation will take into account:
- results of the practicals
- oral exam to verify the knowledge and understanding, the capability of applying knowledge and understanding regarding the topics treated during the course and the communication skills.
In case of health emergency the oral exam will be held on line (via Teams).

Other information

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