cod. 1006848

Academic year 2018/19
1° year of course - Second semester
Gabriele TEBALDI
Academic discipline
Strade, ferrovie e aeroporti (ICAR/04)
Ingegneria civile
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The goal of the course it is to give to the students the skills to plan and to manage civil engineering work place. The following are the skills that the students will achieve
- To know how to make the economical estimation of a complex civil engineering work
- To know how to plan a civil engineering work
- To know how to plan, how to organize and how to manage the phases of the main construction processes of civil engineering
- To know the phases of the main civil engineering construction processes
- To know how to manage the overlapping of the phases of different construction phases
- To know how to organize the work's safety in a civil engineering work



Course unit content

During the classes it will be taught how to organize and to manage the work site of a civil engineering work. The classes' program will include the description of a series of a real work places and it is planned a visit to 3/4 different work places

Full programme

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The students will receive the teaching material during the class

Teaching methods

The classes will be organized in two interconnected blocks.
1) a series of lectures, seminars and visit in real working places to show to the students the main construction processes of a civil engineering work
2) a work for groups (the number of groups' components will be defined at the beginning of the class) to gives the students the chance to analize a design and to set his construction process.
The classes' program will be completed with the office hours in wich the students will have the chance to have clarifications on their assigned project. In this phase the students' capability of self analysis and the students' capability of teamwork will be stimulated.

Assessment methods and criteria

Final exam based on the work made during "work groups phase".
The students will have to be able to plan all the work phases to finalize the assigned project and they have to be able to justify all their choices. the evaluation will consider thstudents' capability of teamwork and of self evaluation. The exam will be passed if the student will be able to explain in details all the working phases related with the assigned project, using the required technical drawings and diagrams.
The student will receive 30/30 with laude if will show an outstanding capability to explain his job and if he will show perfect integration in the workgroup.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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