Learning objectives
This course aims to provide students with the theoretical notions of basic techniques that are considered essential to facilitate the understanding and acquisition of professional skills that they will experience during the first internship in a lab Clinical chemistry and microbiology.
Course unit content
The second module of teaching includes technical-scientific topics that reflect concepts of preanalytic and analytical variability, which can influence laboratory errors, continuing through the learning of the main basic techniques used in clinical biochemistry up to the interpretation of laboratory data.
Full programme
• Pre-analytical variability (treatment and preservation of biological materials).
• Laboratory error.
• General characteristics of measurement techniques.
• The separation techniques of biological material.
• The main measurement techniques used in a clinical chemistry laboratory (photometry, spectrophotometry, chromatography, fluorimetry, turbidimetry, nefelometry, electrophoresis and immunochemistry, and features of serology, immunohematology and radiochemistry).
L. Spandrio "Principles and Techniques of Clinical Chemistry" Piccin EditoreWidmann "Clinical Interpretation of Laboratory Examinations" edited by G. Gazzola, R. Franchi-Gazzola, V. D'Asta, O. Bussolati, R. Sala
R. Malvano, A. Chiacchio, G. Vignati "The diagnostic value of the laboratory data"
G. Polizzi, C. Gagliano, "Pre-analytical Variability"
Teaching methods
The didactic methodology used in a participatory way involves frontal lessons with the aid of computer and audiovisual media, a discussion in the classroom aimed at inducing reflection and practical exercises to facilitate the manual use and proper use of laboratory aids.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam including a series of questions concerning the topics covered during the lessons, the level of terminology use and the student's reasoning ability.
Other information
Nothing to report.
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