cod. 1003989

Academic year 2019/20
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Economia aziendale (SECS-P/07)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
63 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

In the first part of the course the focus is on basic concept regarding financial statement, and then on some specific issues, that are considered critical and very relevant in issuing a financial statement. In the second part, the aim i sto analyse the other documents that compose the financial statement, like cash flow statement, notes to the financial statement, management commentary, made also thanks to seminaries with auditors and the reading of real financial statements. At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
a) comprehend the contents of national accounting standars
b) issue and read financial statements with a critical point of view
c) to be autonomy in judging a financial statement and the related disclosure
d) to speak with auditors, accountants and financial and accounting directors in relation to financial statement critical aspects
e) to use several sources


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Course unit content

Legislation and accounting standards for financial statement
Tables of the financial statement
The single voices of the inancial statement according to national accounting standards. Particularly:
- tangible, intangibile, financial assets
- current and deferred taxes
- loans, receivable and financial assets
Management commentary
Notes to financial statement
Differences between OIC and IFRS
Analysis of some financial statements of real companies

Full programme

Legislation and accounting standards for financial statement
Tables of the financial statement
The single voices of the inancial statement according to national accounting standards. Particularly:
- tangible, intangibile, financial assets
- current and deferred taxes
- loans, receivable and financial assets
Management commentary
Notes to financial statement
Differences between OIC and IFRS
Analysis of some financial statements of real companies


1. PRINCIPI CONTABILI NAZIONALI DELL'ORGANISMO ITALIANO DI CONTABILITA' aggiornati al 31.12.2017 (disponibili sul sito della Fondazione OIC
In particolare OIC 9 OIC 10 OIC 11 OIC 12 OIC 15 OIC 16 OIC 17 (da fare solo la sezione sul Metodo del Patrimonio netto) OIC 19 OIC 20 OIC 21 OIC 24 OIC 25
2. SLIDES delle lezioni messe a disposizione dal docente sul portale ELLY
3. Con riferimento allo studio della Relazione sulla Gestione, è necessario scaricare da qui i seguenti documenti:
Documento n.1 - La relazione sulla gestione. Alcune considerazioni. (2008)
Documento n. 22 - L’iscrizione degli indicatori nella relazione sulla gestione La posizione finanziaria netta. (2013)
4. Per la DNF, scaricare il documento di ricerca:
“Disclosure di sostenibilità: decreto legislativo n. 254/2016 sulla comunicazione di informazioni di carattere non finanziario e sulla diversità – febbraio 2017”
Dal sito

Teaching methods

Acquisition of knowledge: frontal lessons
Acquisition of capability in applying knowledge: exercitations
Acquisition of autonomy in judgment: during the course the students will be stimulated to individuate critical aspects in financial statements
Acquisition of technical language: during the course will be illustrated the main accounting words

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam, with the possibility to join in a work group
Acquisition of knowledge: 2 questions regarding theory (12 points for first question, 6 points for the second)
Acquisition of capability in applying knowledge: 1 exercise (12 points)
Acquisition of autonomy in judgment: questions and project work
Acquisition of technical language: questions
The evaluation of the learning happens with a written test composed by an exercise (weight 12 points) and two open (a question 12 points, the second 6 points) questions. The written test has lasted of a hour and half. The written test is valued with staircase 0 -30. The praise is assigned in the case of attainment of the maximum score on every part to which the mastery of the treated themes is added. The frequenting ones have the possibility to integrate the vote of the examination with a project work, to develop in groups of 2 people, on a real case. The teacher, during the first month of lesson, form the groups and it attributes the business cases to analyze. Particularly is assigned to every group a real financial statement to analyze on the base of the indications furnished by the teacher in the classroom.
The participants must present the project work to the teacher and the classroom. The teacher, finishes once the presentations, publics the scores on Elly (that can attribute from 0 to 4 points on the final vote of examination). The score achieved in the project work is added to the score achieved in the examination. In 30/30 overcoming case from the sum of the score of the job of group and the single votes on the written test, the praise is assigned only in the cases in which the written test has achieved a vote of 30/30.
The final results of the examination are published on Esse3.
Intermediary tests are not admitted.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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