cod. 1004903

Academic year 2019/20
2° year of course - Second semester
Massimiliano TOGNOLINI
Academic discipline
Farmacologia (BIO/14)
Primo soccorso
Type of training activity
24 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: -
course unit

Learning objectives

The student, taking also in account the knowledge of anatomy, biology, physiology, general pathology and biochemistry already acquired in previous Courses, should demonstrate understanding about:
• the chemistry of radioactive molecules,
• the major pharmaceutical forms and routes of administration of radiopharmaceuticals
• the distribution of radioactive molecules in the body,
• the prototype molecules used in radiodiagnostic and radiotherapy,
• the toxic effects of radionuclides on the body and how to avoid them.
The student, even collaborating with other professionals, should be able to:
• contribute to the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals for administration and for programs related to it,
• identify the problems related to radioactive drug therapy,
• provide adequate support to the subject undergoing treatment.


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Course unit content

The teaching of "Pharmacology and Radioactive drugs" aims to educate the student to the knowledge of the radionuclides used as tracers in diagnostic medicine, and to the understanding of the fundamental principles that govern the movement of these molecules in the body. As a general concept, the student will be encouraged to evaluate the factors that affect the specific accumulation of radioactive tracers in certain districts of the organism, an event underlying the radiodiagnostic and radiotherapeutic use of radioactive molecules, as well as the possible toxic effects of these molecules on the organism.

Full programme

Synthesis and preparation of labeled compounds; quality control of radiopharmaceuticals: stability and purity; rules of good laboratory practice.
Structure and characteristics of radioactive drugs, nomenclature.
General principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of radiopharmaceuticals: Pharmaceutical forms and routes of administration of radionuclides.
Concept of bioavailability.
Correct timing and protocols of radionuclide administration.
Characteristics and indications for use of radionuclides.
Organ-specific compounds: Iodine and iodinated radionuclides, rubidium, fluorine and derivatives, Technetium. Radionuclides designed for Central nervous system: markers of the aminergic systems.
Radionuclides and molecules designed for renal and pulmonary scintigraphy.
Radionuclides designed for cardiac scintigraphy
Metabolic therapy and radiotherapy.
Legal and liability issues.


Fondamenti di medicina nucleare - Volterrani, Erba, Mariani - Springer

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination.
For the determination of the final mark the following descriptors are adopted:
• knowledge and understanding of the subjects (up to 12/30);
• ability to apply the knowledge (up to 10/30);
• ability to communicate the learned knowledge and skills in verbal form through the appropriate use of the techinical language (up to 8/30).

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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