cod. 1006739

Academic year 2018/19
2° year of course - First semester
Cristina ZERBINI
Academic discipline
Economia e gestione delle imprese (SECS-P/08)
Type of training activity
35 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: NEUROSHOPPING

Learning objectives

a. Knowledge and understanding
The purpose of the course is to transfer the knowledge necessary to understand the consumer behaviour in support of company decisions making, and to identify optimal type of marketing research tecnique with respect to the cognitive needs.
In particular, the students will develop advanced knowledge of:
• theoretical evolution of consumer research;
• needs, motivation and involvement;
• attitudes and behavioural theories;
• perception and learning;
• memory systems;
• emotions;
marketing research: people, processes, types
• non standard research;
• observation;
• in-depth interview;
• focus group;
• analysis of documents;
• the standard research;
• structured interview;
• experiment;
• structured observation;
• validity and reliability of the research;
• statistical analysis of data;
• the development of neuromarketing;
• neuromarketing techniques;
• decision-making system, cognitive errors and social influences.

These results, in terms of knowledge and understanding, will be achieved through the combined use of monographic lectures, seminars held by business operators and team works.

b. Applying knowledge and understanding
The students will be able to understand the behaviour of the consumer and to identify the research techniques most appropriate for the analysis. The ability to apply the knowledge gained will be done through critical reflection on the themes proposed for self-study, the study of specific case studies and team works.

c. Making judgements
At the end of the course, the students will be able to apply the acquired analytical tools to analyze the consumer behaviour. The ability of making judgments will be stimulated promoting the ability to develop an individual process of reflection and management of a research project.

d. Communication skills
During the course the students will be encouraged to acquire adequate communication skills. They will be asked to transfer in a clear and effective way information and concepts related to specific issues of marketing research. Specifically, they will be asked to prepare brief papers, or provide an oral summary on specific topics, also with the aid of information technology tools and media.

e. Learning skills
At the end of the course the students will have gained the ability to expand, update and deepen the knowledge acquired from lessons and course textbooks. The presentation of case studies and guided discussion of hot topics will aim to stimulate intellectual curiosity, willingness to update and to strength the acquired application skills.


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Course unit content

The course aims to provide students the conceptual tools to understand the consumer behaviour and illustrate the research techniques available to analyze it in support of business decisions making.
The course is divided into five main sections. The first section focuses on the factors that influence consumer behaviour and the decision-making process. The second part is devoted to understanding the role played by emotions in influencing the consumer behaviour. The third section explores the scientific and operational aspects of the research process: design of the research project, methods of data acquisition, measurement tools, techniques of analysis and presentation of results. The fourth part focuses on neuromarketing discipline, with particular focus on research techniques employed in marketing. Finally, the fifth session focuses on cognitive bias and related psychological and social aspects that can compromise the quality of the research.

Full programme

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• Olivero e Russo (2013), Psicologia dei consumatori, second edition, McGraw-Hill
• Materials made available at the photocopy shop.
• Recommended readings will be indicated by the professor.

Teaching methods

Frontal lecture and Case study analysis

Assessment methods and criteria

The learning results will be assessed through a final written test.
The knowledge and understanding achieved will be assessed with n. 2 open-ended questions, each worth 13 points, on relevant theoretical topics.
The ability to apply the acquired knowledge, the autonomy of judgment and the ability to learn will be assessed through n. 1 questions of application content, worth 4 points.
The ability to communicate using the appropriate technical language will be assessed by evaluating the correct use of expressions/technical terms in the context of the answers given to the above questions.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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