Learning objectives
At the end of the training, students should have acquired knowledge and skills related to biomedical lab risks (with special attention to bio- and chemical hazard)
Particularly, students should be able to:
1. Learn about prevention and protection systems in biomedical lab
2. Know chemicals hazard classification and labelling in accordance with EU legislation REACH and CLP
3. How to use material safety data sheet (MSDS) and label
4. How to use Individual Protection Devices (DPI) and fume cupboard for chemicals
5. Know the medical surveillance related to biomedical lab risk
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Course unit content
• Risk assessment and risk related to biomedical lab
• Chemicals used in biomedical lab
• EU chemicals legislation REACH and CLP: label and material safety data sheet
• Prevention and protection systems
• Medical surveillance
Full programme
• Risk assessment methodologies
• Risk related to biomedical laboratories
• Prevention and protection systems
• Chemicals used in biomedical laboratories: handling, storage, stability /reactivity and disposal considerations
• EU chemicals legislation REACH and CLP: Labelling and Safety Data Sheet
• Fume Cupboard for chemicals
• Individual Protection Devices (DPI) for chemicals
• Medical surveillance
Criteri e strumenti per la valutazione e la gestione del rischio chimico negli ambienti di lavoro ai sensi del D.Lgs. n. 81/2008 e s.m.i., alla luce delle ricadute del Regolamento (CE) n. 1907/2006 (Registration Evaluation Authorisation Restriction of Chemicals - REACH), del Regolamento (CE) n. 1272/2008 (Classification Labelling Packaging - CLP) e del Regolamento (UE) n. 453/2010 (recante modifiche all’Allegato II del Regolamento CE 1907/2006 e concernente le disposizioni sulle schede di dati di sicurezza).
Teaching methods
Theoretical classes
Slides, scripts and supporting materials will be loaded on Elly at the end of the lessons.
Registration is required to download all materials.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination
Students should be able to demonstrate how to manage risk in biomedical lab and how to use prevention and protection systems with special attention to individual protection devices (DPI) and fume cupboard for chemicals.
Finally, they must demonstrate the ability to read and understand chemical risk communication according to EU legislation REACH and CLP.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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