Learning objectives
The main goal of the tuition is to provide the information to develop and manage individual and group practice activities, according to age and subjects skills, in order to improve their quality of life. Special attention will be paid in regard to different pathologies. At the end of the course students will be able to draw up a personalized physical activity.
The objectives of teaching and its contents regard area D, annex B of the D.M. 616/2017.
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Course unit content
The tuition is compliant with D.M. 616/2017.
1. Preventive and compensatory education: definitions and objectives
2. Training and detraining
3. Tests to determine motor skills
4. Physical activity and diseases
5. The skeletal muscle satellite cell
Full programme
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Tribastone F & Tribastone P. Compendio di Educazione Motoria Preventiva e Compensativa. Società Stampa Sportiva.
Wilmore J & Costill D. Fisiologia dell'esercizio fisico e dello sport. Ed. Calzetti & Mariucci Perugia, 2005.
Joseph F. Signorile & Busin S. Linee guida. Come raggiungere e mantenersi in forma da Senior. Sporting Club L. Da Vinci, 2016.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons according to the schedule defined at the beginning of academic year. Students attending class will be actively involved in discussions about scientific articles proposed during the course.
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment consists in an written test and oral interview on topics covered during the course.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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