Learning objectives
Provide the student with the basic tools and methodology to enable him/her to understand the concepts and contexts for the application of the prevention of infectious and chronic degenerative diseases as well as the fundamentals of the epidemiology applied (concept of risk factor, causality relationship, epidemiological studies).
Course unit content
Hygiene, Public Health, Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
Full programme
Definition of Health and Determinants of health and disease. Methods in epidemiology , Elements of demography.
General epidemiology of communicable diseases ( Reservoir and Source of the infection ; Modes of transmission ). Some epidemiological aspects of non-communicable diseases
The levels of prevention (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary)
General Prevention of communicable diseases ( Notification , Diagnostic assessment ,Isolation and quarantine Disinfection/sterilization , Asepsis ,Antisepsis , Active immunization ,Passive immunization)
General Prevention of non-communicable diseases. The methodology of screening
Highlights in communicable disease prevention (TBC, Influenza, meningitides and measles ,Hepatitis A Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV-AIDS.
Highlights in non-communicable disease prevention ( Cancer disease , Diabetes , Cardiovascular disease
Environmental Hygiene
Food and water-borne disease
Water as a vehicle of infection (pollution and disinfection).
Healthcare associated infections and environmental opportunistic pathogens.
Igiene, Medicina Preventiva, Sanita' Pubblica. Authors: Barbuti, Fara, Giammanco, Baldo, Borella AAVV ,Eds: Edises , year of publication: 2014
Elementi di Metodologia Epidemiologica. Società Editrice Universo. 2011 (VII Ed).
Teaching methods
The course is organized in lectures
Assessment methods and criteria
The method of evaluation consists of an oral exam
Other information
Classroom attendance is highly recommended. Students must attend at least 70% (20/30 hours) of classes in order to take the exam.
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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