Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding:
At the end of this course the student should know the main theoretical and applicative aspects of Fluid Mechanics for planning industrial hydraulic plants, river structures and maritime structures.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
The student should be able to describe the physical process by using applied mathematics; to select the parameters and the variables involved in the process; to solve the most common applicative cases checking the results with engineering approach.
Making judgments:
By the end of the course, the student should be able to evaluate the reliability of the simplified models or the need to adopt advanced models.
Communication skills:
The student should be able to clearly present the results of the analysis, in oral or written form, also by means of tables and charts.
Hydraulics, Differential analysis, Geometry, Rational Mechanics, Physics.
Course unit content
The course provides the students with the necessary knowledge related with hydraulics and fluid mechanics in coastal processes. The students shall be able to solve some technical problems of environmental hydraulics, river and maritime hydraulics.Numerical exercises about the topics listed in the program will be developed.
Full programme
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Longo, S., 2011, Analisi Dimensionale e Modellistica Fisica – Principi e Applicazioni alle Scienze Ingegneristiche. Springer & Verlag Italia, Collana UNITEXT Ingegneria. ISBN 978-88-470-1871-6
Teaching methods
Lessons with the use of a PC tablet connected to a projector, used as multimedia board. Projection of video educational. Solving numerical exercises.
Assessment methods and criteria
The examination is based on an oral exam. Three questions for a maximum 0.5 h.
Other information
Lectures attendance is highly recommended.